Latest Ubuntu related questions

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Swomp avatar
Problem when i trying to install amdgpu drivers
ru flag

I have this problem when I try to install amdgpu

errors occurred while processing the following packets:
E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

But drivers are installed and working. What I must do?

Score: 0
Marjeta avatar
achieving "ssh-copy-id" effect without knowing password?
in flag

I have full access to server1.

When I am on server1, I can ssh to server2 without password:

local $ ssh myuser@server1
Welcome to Ubuntu ...
myuser@server1:~$ ssh user2@server2
Welcome to Ubuntu ...

I would like to login to server2 directly:

local $ ssh user2@server2

The problem is, I don't know the password for server2.

I went to server1, listed the contents of ~/.ssh/authorized_ ...

Score: 4
How to convert a large dynamic virtualbox VDI image to a small image file to write it into a USB drive as a portable installation?
us flag

I have a VirtualBox dynamic image of Xubuntu 20.04 of maximum size 70 GB. The current size of the image is 9 GB.

When I try to convert it to a .img file with the command VBoxManage clonehd 'xubuntu.vdi' xubuntu.img --format RAW

the image size keeps growing far beyond 9 GB, and it would probably go on until 70 GB (I stopped the process when it crossed 20 GB).

How to turn it into an image of size 9 GB ...

Score: 1
Newtoubuntu avatar
Intel AX201 Wi-Fi 6 is not working on Ubuntu 21.04
cn flag

I'm trying to learn Linux and having trouble with wifi. I am running Ubuntu 21.04 with 5.11.0-22-generic kernel. I have no options under the network tab in settings for wifi as if my wifi card is not detected. I have searched and tried just about every solution i could find on this forum and nothing seems to work. I have downloaded the appropriate drivers from the Intel website and moved the files i ...

Score: 2
Is there a voice-based keyboard that can be used to type individual keys (instead of words)?
nc flag

My arm is in a sling. I'm on Windows 10 now and then use speech recognition such as it is to clarify my question. Speech recognition leaves something to be desired no matter what platform you are on.

When you are a user of Ubuntu and you simply want to press keys rather than trying to recognize entire words, the voice keyboard facility would nearly replace the keyboard driver permitting you to p ...

Score: 0
samuel harrison avatar
Can someone please interprete this error log for me?
tm flag

#i ran

WINEPREFIX=/home/samuel/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/.far_cry_4  wine "/home/samuel/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/far_cry_4/drive_c/Program Files/R.G. Mechanics/Far Cry 4/bin/FarCry4.exe"

#The output

0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
005c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage e ...
Score: 0
lucifer avatar
about HDD not detecting when w10 installed in SSD
cz flag

The existing OS is Windows 10 installed on SSD.and I have to install ubuntu on HDD. but HDD has not detected during partition it is a dell laptop

Score: 1
Pixie124 avatar
Ubuntu Giant Lag Spikes :(
vn flag

Hello I recently switched to Ubuntu and I play many games but every time I press a key from 1 to = it lags so much and my mouse has buttons on the side that use those numbers and im not able to play games anymore because its just so laggy and stuttery :( (EDIT) it only lags when i press the buttons on the mouse which is weird.

Score: 0
lemnlover avatar
Accidentally used "cp /file /dev/sdb1"
gq flag

I'm about to cry, in need of your help... I'm new to linux. I was trying to copy a Windows10 iso to my external HDD. I wanted to use cp command. I saw that my external HDD was sdb1. So I just used

cp /file /dev/sdb1

Now my 1 TB external Hard disk is messed up.. It looks like a drive size of 5.7 GB with the contents of iso...

I had almost 800GB data on my drive... When I plug it into windows, it is not  ...

Score: 1
gerardJ avatar
Fail to connect to generic netlink under WSL
ng flag

I'm a new user of Ubuntu. I've installed Ubuntu 20.04.2 on my PC using WSL (Ubuntu from the Microsoft Store), and it's running OK.

And I've installed Wireshark (Version 3.2.3 (Git v3.2.3 packaged as 3.2.3-1) ) into the WSL Ubuntu platform.

But when I start Wireshark, I have this screen:

gerard@DESKTOP-BUREAU:~$ wireshark
QStandardPaths: wrong ownership on runtime directory /run/user/myfile/, 0 instead o ...
Score: 0
dwood avatar
Running Ubuntu with FDE in fastboot enabled motherboard
in flag

My pc had windows pre-installed. I instead installed ubuntu with full disk encryption.

but apparently there is a bios option in the motherboard that's called fastboot that disables all the usb ports while in the boot process.

Now I have my system in an unbootable state. I can't enter the full disk encryption key with the keyboard nor I can change bios settings. because the keyboard & mouse are b ...

Score: 0
Aditya Karthik avatar
Black screen problem while using ubuntu on virtual box
ng flag

I have been using ubuntu on a virtual box for a few months now. I wanted to increase the hard disk size for my virtual machine. So I changed it from 50 Gb to 130 Gb inside the Virtual Media Manager. Now, I try to start my virtual machine again and it gives me a blank screen. First, it gives me the error:

vmw_host_log : Failed to send host log messa

Then I get a blank screen with the text pointer on  ...

Score: 0
nicholasflamel avatar
Can't get the memory of a second hard disk to show up in my Ubuntu system
cn flag

I wiped Win 10 off a new computer and installed Ubuntu 20.04 via USB drive on a new computer. The computer has 2 drives, a 256 GB one (on which I installed Ubuntu) and a 1 TB one.

So my "Home" in Ubuntu (20.04) shows a total of 256 GB. At first, I couldn't see the 1 TB drive in "system monitor", because it was in NTFS format, so I reformatted it to type Ext4, like my 256 GB drive. I did this usin ...

Score: 0
Roo Tenshi avatar
Can't make a live USB using Linux subsystem
sx flag

I'm trying to install Linux-lite
Tried Rufus but uefi option didn't show up in boot sequence.
So I thought I would use the dd command using Linux bash on Windows.

Obviously lsblk doesn't work So I got the physical-name from PowerShell

Get-CimInstance  Win32_DiskDrive | Select Caption,DeviceID,InterfaceType,Size | Where-Object {$_.InterfaceType -eq "USB"}


Caption                         Devic ...
Score: 0
yus avatar
my internet connection is good but I can't access the website,,,,
in flag

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04, I can access to all website like,,stackovrflow and more webpages but i can't access,,,,

When i ping it give me no result even when i wait almost 1 hour.

ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

my internet connection is good, and i c ...

Score: 1
tokr avatar
QEMU built-in smb server problem with winXP guest
cn flag

After upgrading: When trying to connect a qemu smb share from a windows XP host, I get the following error:

No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept.

I'm using the following parameter to qemu-system-x86_64 :

-net user,net=,smb=/home/tokr/vm/share

In the guest I'm trying to map: \\1 ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.