Latest Ubuntu related questions

Score: 0
cylon86 avatar
local DNS with dnsmasq not working for client
cz flag

I'm trying to setup my raspberry Pi, running with Ubuntu server 20.04, as a wireless router so I can create a local network behind my raspberry pi.

I'm using hostapd to create a Wifi Access Point and dnsmasq to have a local DNS and DHCP server. The DHCP server seems to work fine: when a client connect (my macbook for instance), it get an IP in the range defined by the DHCP.

But I have issue with the DNS ...

Score: 0
How to completely disable 3 finger tap by any means in libinput
cn flag

What I want is to be able to just disable 3 finger tap because I never use it and it also messes up what code I write. I use libinput and synclient is not an option. I also use X11 instead of Wayland. My goal is to completely disable it. I have been searching for 2 hours now, so finding a duplicate to my question is hard.

Neofetch returns this bit of info if needed

OS: Kubuntu 21.04 x86_64
Host: iBall  ...
Score: 1
System freezes when RAM limit reached, doesn't use swap
ru flag

I have a 16GB RAM system and whenever I hit the limit of RAM the whole system freezes even the mouse cursor starts to become jittery until it doesn't move at all. Keyboard, mouse, nothing. So I am forced to do a hard power-off which isn't probably good for the electronics. I've set up a 16GB swap which shows up properly in free -m and in top but it's always at 0 usage.

              total        used   ...
Score: 1
Abayomi Usman avatar
How to install ssh keychain on Ubuntu with WSL
in flag

Please help me understand how to install ssh keychain on my Ubuntu under WSL in order for me to be able to configure my .ssh/config file to use key chain. I've tried editing my config file that I created myself in my .ssh folder to add Usekeychain but it does not recognise that as a command.

I tried uninstalling my ssh server and re-installing it manually but nothing changed. I just got stuck in adding  ...

Score: 1
Shravya Boggarapu avatar
How to check if u-boot exists in a linux device
in flag

I am trying to remove u-boot on an embedded device to reduce boot time. The platform I am working on is jetson Nano B01 I have followed the instructions to flash without u-boot but I don't know how to check if the process succeeded

I tried checking version but those commands fail...

strings /dev/mtd0 | grep U-boot
sudo grep -a --null-data U-boot /dev/mmcbllkboot

fail with no such file found type of error ...

Score: 0
logicito avatar
Summit E13 Flip - Battery charging thresholds when using mostly plugged to the AC adapter
cn flag

Because I use the laptop mostly plugged to the AC adapter, and to prolong the battery life, I have setup in Windows the battery charging thresholds (within MSI Center for Business and Productivity) to:

  • Charge the battery only when is below 50%, then charge it up to 60%

I use the laptop (MSI Summit E13 Flip EVO) with Windows and Ubuntu 21.04, mostly Ubuntu 21.04, I haven't been able to find a way  ...

Score: 0
Lyndon White avatar
Control which google calendar goes in my notifications
gb flag

In Ubuntu 21.04 I have added in Online Accounts my google account. On my google account I have 2 calendars. I only want to have stuff from one of those calendars show up in my notifications bar / gnome calendar thing that is at the top of my screen.

I can disable all the calendars in the settings for the Online Accounts page, but I do not want that, I only want to disable one

Score: 5
Athena avatar
After Kernel 5.11 update, computer won't boot? Related to nVidia drivers. (Kernel
id flag

Almost solved - Please help!

I thought earlier it was due to installed i386 architecture, when it in fact was because of the newest Ubuntu 20.04.10 Linux Kernel

    $ dpkg --list | grep linux-image
ii  linux-image-5.11.0-25-generic              5.11.0-25.27~20.04.1                  amd64        Signed kernel image generic
rc  linux-image-5.4.0-42-generic               5.4.0-42.46             ...
Score: 0
Quang Thinh Ha avatar
What should I wipe on my /home mount after a fresh installation?
in flag

I keep my system as followed:

  1. Ubuntu installation (mount point "/" and EFI boot) is on a NVMe SSD disk.
  2. All personal files (mount point "/home") is on a different SSD.

Every now and then, I would wipe the OS on the first SSD and remount the "/home" point from the second SSD so I can keep my personal files untouched between each installations.

However, there are many hidden folders in "/home", such as ...

Score: 0
Kempes Jacinto avatar
How to persist settings for default audio output on Ubuntu 21.04?
cn flag

I have Ubuntu 21.04 running.

I always need to change the audio output settings from "Analog Out" (which has no sound) to "Speakers" (works well).

The same problem occurs with the audio input ("Analog input" does not work, but "Internal microphone" does).

How to persist these changes?

Score: 0
David Kingsella avatar
FTP will not accept a requested login
iq flag

I get the following error message when I try to connect to my vsftpd server:

There was a problem connecting to your host or proxy. Please check your server settings and try again. If you are sure you have entered the correct information, please contact your network administrator or the server administrator. [7] Additional information: couldn't connect to host.

Score: 0
Victor Rijnoveanu avatar
Help regarding installation on acer aspire e5-573 - after finishing installing from USB, boot option does not show up
mx flag

So I have attempted to install Ubuntuvon my Acer aspire e5-573. This laptop I could consider it a fossil, so I thought about making it run easier by replacing windows with ubuntu. Before this it was running in legacy boot mode, so I swapped it to UEFI with secure boot disabled and had to restart like twice for the USB to show up by itself. I have deleted the windows on it and replaced it with ubuntu, bu ...

Score: 0
Paul avatar
Does Ubuntu 20.04 support the Lenovo ST50 with the Raid-530 8i adapter
de flag

Has anyone made a Lenovo ST50 run with the Lenovo Raid 530-8i adapter ? We have tried setting this up with no luck. We fall back on the onboard software raid for the time being but i'm interested to know that could get this to work. I found out that the ST50 is supported but it's unclear if the Raid adapter in the ST50 is. The RAID adapter is supported on other Lenovo servers though...

Score: -3
dada_nag avatar
I can not install pip3 on my Ubuntu
kr flag

I need to install pip3 on my ubuntu but if i run sudo apt install python3-pip I get following error: error installing pip

If I try to run sudo apt --fix-broken install to solve the error, I get the followind message: error running --fix-broken

Enyone know something I could do?

Score: 0
Brad Solomon avatar
fips-updates UA service does not seem to disable MD5
pt flag

I have fips-updates enabled on an Ubuntu 20.04.2 EC2 instance through Ubuntu Advantage, but MD5 still seems to be allowed and working.

$ sudo ua status
fips          yes       n/a       NIST-certified core packages
fips-updates  yes       enabled   NIST-certified core packages with priority security updates

$ cat /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled
Score: 2
quang duy avatar
My nano editor can't read tags?
nl flag

I normally use nano edit, however, today when I open it, it didn't show "<>" and character next to it. I have reinstalled Ubuntu and the problem is still there.

In the image below it doesn't show "<role" for example:

Screenshot showing error

I know they are missing because when I add a comment "<role" shows up:

Screenshot showing expected output

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.