Latest Ubuntu related questions

Score: 0
birgersp avatar
Monitor automatically immidiately disables
cn flag

I have a laptop (nvidia GPU) with two external monitors connected. One of them is connected via a USB-C to DP adapter. This one works fine. The other is connected via a HDMI cable.

The HDMI-cable-connected one refuses to stay enabled. I select it and click enable but when I click "apply", the montoris flicker off and on and the monitor is automatically disabled again. See screenshots:

enter image description here

I click to e ...

Score: 0
Freek Pol avatar
US dead keys Xubuntu not present
is flag

I read some topics about missing the US dead keys missing and can´t find a solution. I did a clean Xubuntu 22.04.3 installation and marked Dutch as system language and US with dead keys for keyboard layout. After installation all works fine but not the dead keys, they are not working and in the language settings the are not present. Is there a way to add the US dead keys or any other solution. Thanks f ...

Score: 0
MartinT00161717 avatar
Best way to clone SSD to larger SSD with Ubuntu
ke flag

I have Ubuntu as OS on 256GB SSD and have bought a larger 1TB SSD.

Is Clonezilla a good option to clone SSD? Will Clonezilla use same size on new SSD and leave remaining GB’s as unallocated space? Is this a good way to do it? Have also been reading up a bit about “dd “, is this a good option for a novice user. I have M2 SSD caddy for Cloning and new 1TB SSD is unformatted. All advice welcom ...

Score: 2
Scott Johnstone avatar
trying to script ntp client settings
jo flag

Im writing or trying to write a script that will add some NTP servers to 22.04 server.

sudo cp /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf.bk_`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf #setting to rw for user and group
sudo cat > /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf <<EOF
#  This file is part of systemd.
#  systemd is free software; you can red ...
Score: 0
Alex Wright avatar
Dell XPS L502x cannot boot Ubuntu after successful installation
na flag

I downloaded Ubuntu 22.04 LTS from official website and used Rufus to create a bootable disk (MBR). I used this flash disk to boot on Dell XPS L502x and install ubuntu with default settings. It partitioned my entire SSD disk with default settings. The installation completed successfully. After restarting, there is no operating system. The message is saying OPERATING SYSTEM NOT FOUND. I could not find ...

Score: 0
Nikeled avatar
Upgrade from ubuntu tls 14.04 to latest version (9/2023)
lb flag

I have a 14.04 lts that says no new releases found. after searching i found some pages about a certificate update etc. Is there a manual with the commands to help me do that? show new dependencies to the 14.04 so it can upgrade ?

Thank you in advance.

Score: 0
Rahul soni avatar
Heating and battery Drain issue in ubuntu 22
bi flag

I recently updated my system from Ubuntu 20 to Ubuntu 22, and I’ve been experiencing significant heating problems and rapid battery drain since the update. This issue is affecting the usability and performance of my laptop.

My laptop - MSI GF63 8RC

Any help regarding this.

Score: 1
Recently Updated Ubuntu user avatar
Snap updates sometimes working

Sorry if this is a duplicate. This site seems to do weird things when I post/ask a question.

Now and then when I boot I get a requestor saying that some programs need to be updated.

Whether I pick the "update all" or do them one at a time sometimes this happens. (example picture)

enter image description here

What's going on?

Next boot can be that all things are up to date, other times, not.

Score: 0
Norber avatar
htaccess not working when I use rewriterule /canonical/url to another with params ?title=some-title
ua flag

I am using a web hosting server that is receiving urls like:

The .htaccess is trying to transform those urls to the GET form:

To do it I have, between any others, these two rules in the .htaccess:

# blog.php
RewriteRule ^(.*blog)$ [NC,R=301]
# blog_art.php`
RewriteRu ...
Score: 2
AsGoodAsItGets avatar
How can I update to the latest bash in Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS?
cn flag

I am using mcfly ( There is a known bug in bash version 5.1 (,, which should have been fixed in later versions of bash. My version of bash in Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS is 5.1.16(1)-release.

Is there a way to update bash to a later version (with the fix) or do I nee ...

Score: 1
Tobias Nilsson avatar
Adding default routes in dhclient-exit-hooks breaks ssh until first sending a ping
au flag

I nave a system running with 2 network cards. To make sure the default route is correct for each card added the following to /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks:

if [[ "$interface" == "eth0" ]]; then
    if [ "$reason"  == "BOUND" ]; then
        ip rule add from "$new_ip_address" table 234
        ip route add default via "$new_dhcp_server_identifier" dev "$interface" table 234

if [[ "$interfa ...
Score: 0
Moh. Anif Yuliansyah avatar
Acces hidden GRUB2 Boot Menu in boot proccess
ng flag

I want to hide GRUB2 boot menu in Ubuntu 23.04, but it can open from booting proccess as I want. I try to add GRUB_TIMEOUT = -1, but it can't hidden and still showing. My /etc/default/grub file as it :

# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

Score: 1
Nhan Minh avatar
Open bottle app at startup
si flag

I want to open an app in bottles-the environment for windows apps, when startup my laptop automatically. How can i do this? I'm new to Linux and just installed Ubuntu recently. I want to make it like window i used to work with.

Score: 0
Sunday Oladele avatar
ethernet(eno3) unmanaged on ubuntu server 20.04
np flag

I need solution to ethernet(eno3) unmanaged on ubuntu server 20.04, the pc is blade server could not browse internet on firefox browser. But other app like anydesk could connect internet(lan)

Score: 0
Ravisankar V avatar
Grub Boot Loader Issue
lu flag

I installed Ubuntu 22.04.3 as dual boot alongside Windows 11. After the installation when I restarted the laptop it entered into grub loader and I logged in to the ubuntu. Later when I restarted again it directly goes to the windows and not showing the grub loader. Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

Score: -2
Calicoleopard999 avatar
Weird error when trying to update or upgrade
ge flag
You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libreoffice-core : Depends: libreoffice-common (> 1:6.4.7) but it is not installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

I have no more to say. I am confused. Please help.

Score: 2
thomasa88 avatar
Inkscape does not remember last directory
cn flag

I'm using the Inkscape snap (1.2.2-732a01da63-2022-12-09-cust) and every time I select "Save As" or "Export" the file dialog always navigates to my home directory. This is very annoying, as I expect it to remember the last directory I saved in.

Any way to fix this?

Ubuntu 22.04.3

Score: 0
zu studios avatar
Network Manager not setting static ip
it flag

I installed ubuntu server 20.04 I set a static ip during install I have ethernet connection. I installed Network Manager. I enabled and started: #systemctl start NetworkManager #systemctl enable NetworkManager I can only ssh. But nothing happens as if only display but no function I can"t change the static ip. What a I doing wrong?

Score: 1
Sean Martinez avatar
I don't even know where to start at this point. Reboot?
zm flag

I was attempting to "mount" a disk so that I could access it through regular means without going into "Other Locations", because some programs won't let me access it through those means. I was following along with a YouTube video, and now it's like I'm on a whole new desktop, or like everything got wiped.

At this point I just need to reinstall Ubuntu, but I can't find any kind of recovery option. ...

Score: 0
sodiumnitrate avatar
Dropbox .deb package fails to install on Kubuntu
cn flag

I did a fresh install of Kubuntu 22.04. Tried to install dropbox by downloading the .deb package, but I'm getting the following error. I do:

sudo apt install ./dropbox_2022.12.05_amd64.deb

and it says:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'dropbox' instead of './dropbox_2022.12.05_amd64.deb'
Some packages could not be ins ...
Score: 0
Yaraa avatar
Fail2ban sshd rule is active but not working!
it flag

I used ubuntu 22.04 TLS.


Port 9401
SyslogFacility AUTH
MaxAuthTries 3


enabled = true
filter = sshd
logpath = /var/log/auth.log
maxretry = 3
bantime = 60m
action = iptables-multiport[port=9401]

/var/log/auth.log: empty

sudo tail -n 2 /var/log/fail2ban.log:

2023-09-01 05:35:10,038 fail2ban.actions        [5552]: HEAVY   Actions: check ...
Score: 0
chester0801 avatar
anyone tried installing ubuntu-desktop via ipxe/22.04 live iso subiquity method?
si flag

Just recently, running a network ipxe install of Ubuntu 22.04 results in an error 100 when trying to install the ubuntu-desktop package. I can try and switch to xubuntu-desktop and while that allows my process to complete and boot the system, the environment is not really xubuntu, but rather a vanilla version of gnome with xubuntu login/shutdown screens and few other items.

It seems it can't inst ...

Score: 0
How to specify how much disk I am using but for every folder I have
cn flag

I have been informed that I am using a particular amount of disk on a shared computer.

When I log into it, and I do

du -hs

certainly I am using that amount.

My home directory has three directories with their subdirectories

What I would like to know is how much each of these directories use. Is there a command that can give me this info? or should I go to each one and do du -hs?

Score: 1
BoredSisyphus avatar
Ethernet Connection Failing
bs flag

I've been having some weird behavior with my ethernet connection, it sometimes works for a while after restarting and then fails with "Connection Failed" "Activation of network connection failed". Never works again after that. Wi-Fi works perfectly.

I'm running Ubuntu 23.04, no dual boot, was using kernel driver r8169, downgraded to r8168 without any changes.

I've tried different cables and differen ...

Score: 0
Andrea Lewis avatar
Blue transparent rectangular box with solid outline appeared on boot today and won't go away
pa flag

Upon booting into the computer for the first time today, a blue rectangular box that's transparent blue inside with a solid blue outline. Picture attached. I rebooted and realized that the box is there as soon as the computer screen flashes the Asus brand name for the motherboard. Yesterday, some software updates were installed, but I'm not sure if that was a cause or coincidence. I've gone into setting ...

Score: 2
GotYaLoot avatar
Ubuntu 20.04 display scale not consistent between full screen and window mode in VM fusion
bb flag

After installing Ubuntu in VM fusion. I turned on "Use full screen retina display" in the virtual machine settings. This allows me to select 2k resolution in Ubuntu display settings. I also set the scale factor to 200% in full screen mode. However when I exit full screen mode the display goes back to 100% scale and 2k resolution. Does anyone know how to make scale factor setting consistent between full  ...

Score: 3
Matiata avatar
Bash script - new Konsole closing
cf flag

I'm working on a project that requires me to open some new bash windows to start the docker, server, etc. of the project. I'm trying to make a script so I can start things faster. So far I have this:

cd dev/proj/prod/;
konsole --hold --new-tab -e echo "Hello World";

The problem is that a new window is open in Konsole with the text displayed, but the bash is stuck:

(bash image).

I'm running the script ...

Score: 0
Eris avatar
Find the Physical Offset Number of the Swapfile
de flag

I just installed Ubuntu 22.04 on a new device and I'm trying to enable hibernation. I followed the instruction from ( but I'm stuck at the step of finding "the Physical Offset Number of the Swapfile". I tried the suggested command

sudo filefrag -v /dev/sda7 | head --lines=10

where /dev/sda7 is the location of my swap partition but I'm getting ...

Score: 0
Recently Updated Ubuntu user avatar
SNAP update is doing this often now
cn flag

Sorry if the title is wrong. I don't know better.

Recently I am getting messages about SNAP updates (well, ok maybe not SNAP, but "software" updates) for programs needing to be done.

There are two options: Do each one, one at a time, or "update all". Which ever - and I am going now for "update all" as I can't be bothered watching/waiting/hoping it will all go through - maybe one, two or some work ...

Score: -3
Uploadkom avatar
Only an expert can solve this
io flag

I tried to mount my /dev/sdc HDD to /home.

Then I tried to create a symlink to /home because my sdc HDD is 16tb.

Basically, I got what I wanted, but now everything is complicated:

  • wget doesn't work.
  • apt-get update doesn't work.
  • Who knows what else is not working.

I need to find a solution so that I can apply future updates.

Here is fstab:

proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
# /dev/sdal
UUID=309fe0b5-68aa-4e ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.