Latest Ubuntu related questions

Score: 0
user2201056 avatar
Ubuntu 23.04 freeze at login screen after fn lock
eh flag

I have basically clean install of latest Ubuntu 23.04 on my Lattitude laptop (no nvidia or proprietary drivers) And after a few days, it suddenly started to freeze right at login screen. Have to go to recovery to restart gdm - systemctl restart gdm.service to be able to boot to login screen with no wayland boot option (x11 only) and then I am able to login. When I restart and try to login again, it f ...

Score: 0
Nick Gammon avatar
ffplay won't play videos in Documents subfolders, firejail configuration issue
us flag

I have a subfolder of ~/Documents where I want to store various videos (.mp4 files). I don't particularly want to move them to the ~/Videos folder because they contain other files which are not videos.

I have firejail active (version 0.9.66). When attempting to play one of these videos (with ffplay or the Video Player) I get a message "No such file or directory" however the file does in fact exis ...

Score: 0
Krishna avatar
Not able to switch to Sudo or root on my ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.ISO isntalled on VirtualBox
cy flag

I have used VirtualBox to setup my ubuntu-22.04.2 on Windows 10 Pro machine. Default user was added as vboxuser and no user is available. Not able to switch to user and update/install any new software.

enter image description here

Score: 2
con avatar
new 22.04 install cannot play sound on speakers
sa flag

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 22.04. The Bang & Olufsen speakers aren't playing sound.

I've gone through but nothing there helps.

I can get sound on headphones, but when I pull the headphones out, the sound is gone, even though the volume is set to max.

Speaker - sof-hda-dsp shows in the settings as being recognized, but it's  ...

Score: 0
Bill Bain avatar
Samsung S5 wont connect to ubuntu 22.04 (usb)
sn flag

I am using an old phone, Samsung S5. it cannot connect to ubuntu 22.04. the phone will connect to windows 10 and after that works fine in ubuntu, until I do a power off. then the problem starts again. seems to be a bug in ubuntu? (using the wide usb cord, the regular cord doesnt work at all for usb communications but is fine for charging)

Score: 3
Adam avatar
issues with locales
la flag

i use Ubuntu 23.04 ‘Lunar Lobster’ as my os
and i'm trying to open rofi but i got

(process:24596): Rofi-WARNING **: 01:06:51.568: Failed to set locale.

so it seems it has a thing with locales after some research i figure out an odd issue

i've checked /etc/locale.gen file and uncommete ar_EG.UTF-8 UTF-8 line and regenerate locales after editing /etc/locale.gen with command : sudo locale-gen

Score: 0
Gaspar avatar
How to disable internal mic if external headset is connected?
by flag

I have a small problem with Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS, every time I connect my headset via Bluetooth, the default mic is the internal one, this is not happening with the sound. So I have to manually switch the mic from the internal to the external all the time. Do you know how can I disable the internal mic if an external one is connected? Thanks in advance!

Score: 0
Jack3n avatar
Pre-define device number (/dev/video)
tl flag

having some capture device, it listed with lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 32ed:3200 ezcap ezcap CAM LINK 4K but its device value changes from time to time, so I need to change cap (j) /dev/video pretty often.

cv::VideoCapture cap(2);

Is there a way to pre-define the device ?

Score: 1
James avatar
Ubuntu Server, connected to third-party VPN, cannot be accessed by an external client connected via another VPN
cf flag


  • Ubiquiti UDM Pro w/Network 7.4.162
  • Server: Ubuntu 20.04 connected to AirPVN
    • eno2
    • eno1 (enabled temporarily to test if adding a 2nd network connection would help—it doesn't)
    • Air VPN setup by importing OpenVPN config file into GUI Settings > Network interface.
$ ip route
default via dev tun0 proto static metric 50
default via dev ...
Score: 0
GJBK avatar
Copy files from one folder to another
mn flag

Rather new at Ubuntu so help would be greatly appreciated.

I need time copy basically this media/directoryA/directoryB/any file based on a certain .ext

Then I need to copy that back to music/directory and structure above.


Score: 0
Kai Yang avatar
Kubuntu 22.04.2 can’t use 4090 eGPU after the update yesterday
in flag

So I am running Kubuntu 22.04.2 on my 13700HX laptop and have been using a 4090 eGPU. After yesterday’s update of the system, it stops working. The GUI can’t start up, so I entered command line mode and login. What’s funny is that, when I poweroff, the Kubuntu poweroff graphics works perfectly and showed on my display. Any solution for this? Thanks.

Update: error message at boot:


Score: 1
Piotr Bujakowski avatar
How add to repositoris new Thunderbirs?
as flag

I can't find information how to add new Thunderbird 115 to repositories using apt. Someone now?


Score: 1
Steve Valliere avatar
"Files" not responding after 22.10->23.04 upgrade
in flag

Yesterday I installed the x86_64 Ubuntu 22.10 to a brand new, clean drive. After it finished, I added Visual Studio Code, htop, mc and copied some source code and projects into my home directory.

This morning, I was warned that support for 22.10 would be ending soon and urged to upgrade to 23.04, so I did. (Using the GUI upgrade interface.)

After the upgrade finished and the system rebooted, every ...

Score: 0
JKC avatar
password complexity using /etc/pam.d/common-password
gq flag

so I am testing setting up password complixity on ubuntu 22.04 and it looks like we use /etc/pam.d/common-password to modify/add fields. So from the file, I changed the line 25 from:

password requisite retry=3


password requisite minlen=12 minclass=4 remember=15 reject_username

After rebooting the server and creating a new user to test, the following mo ...

Score: 0
johnmuir avatar
How to start a background process in gnome-terminal automatically at the start
ca flag

I want to start a background process (tail [a log file]) in each gnome-terminal automatically when the terminal is created. I've tried gnome-terminal -e "tail -f /var/log/syslog &" which starts the tail, but in the foreground and it takes over the terminal completely. CTRL+Z has no effect. Is it possible?

Score: 0
Adam Joney avatar
Ubuntu Server 22.04 ping timeout even though it gets IP address and it shows connected on my router
cn flag

Ubuntu Server 22.04 ping times out even though it gets the IP address and it shows it's connected on my router. The timeout happens when I ping to/from it in the network, but running ip a shows that eno1 has an IP address.

This problem happened suddenly for no apparent reason. I tried changing the cable, but it didn't work.

Here is the output of what you requested. They are all images because I c ...

Score: 0
Oak Soe Khant avatar
Xampp is too small and I can't resize
sj flag

I just installed Ubuntu and trying to use xampp on it, but the GUI wizard of xampp is too small and I can't resize it. Does anyone have this kind of problem?


Score: -6
wyattmoon avatar
I would like to see if Ubuntu would like to implement A.I. into the operating system
bz flag

Will Ubuntu ever implement AI into the operating system? I'm asking this question, because some people have some form of disability, or need help navigating thru Ubuntu.. I would want to see AI sometime into Ubuntu. I have created a chatbot that helps people navigate thru Ubuntu, but it is still under development. I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask, but I'd like Ubuntu to implement AI so that ...

Score: 0
Michael avatar
external Monitor via Thinkpad Dock with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
in flag

I am trying to configure my new Thinkpad with Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (Desktop) and connecting it via Docking-Station (USB-C connector) to an external monitor (see details below). I tried different suggestions (like installing additional DisplayLink drivers) but did not suceed.

I then tried the most recent desktop version (23.04) and the external monitor worked out-of-the-box (but not usb-mouse and ne ...

Score: 0
SRoyPC avatar
Bluetooth "br-connection-profile-unavailable" issue on upgrade to Xubuntu 23.04
us flag

Recently I upgraded from Xubuntu 22.04 to Xubuntu 23.04 using the Software Updater. Aftert upgrading, Bluetooth doesn't connect to either any of the previously paired devices or to any new device. The error displayed is: br-connection-profile-unavailable


  Xfce 4.18
  GTK version: 3.24.37
  Kernel version: 6.2.0-25-generic

Score: 0
tim11g avatar
What version of Ubuntu just installed? The "mouse" release?
gn flag

I've been running Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar Lobster. The default wallpaper has the lobster as a constellation.

I performed a routine update from the updater.

Now the desktop environment is vastly different. The wallpaper is a colorful maze pattern with a mouse in the center.

$ lsb_release -a reports:

Release: 23.04 Codename: lunar

$ echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP returns


The keyboard remapping I appli ...

Score: 0
Sun Bear avatar
Is it necessary to have to install so many org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia files?
cn flag

I noticed that there are now many Nvidia-related files that needed installation after a system update and they are all quite sizable. Is this necessary?


Score: 0
Shrijal Pradhan avatar
E: Unable to locate package libstdc++-12-dev
cn flag

I cannot find libstdc++12-dev or any of the previous versions on the docker container of Ubuntu20.04.

I tried to run sudo apt install libstdc++-12-dev.

Score: 0
Marc Inizan avatar
Unable to install Ubuntu, ACPI Errors
fk flag

I have a Asus Rog Strix G18 Laptop (2023) with a 4090 RTX. I installed two SSD SN850X 4TB then I installed Windows 11 and wanted to install Ubuntu (dual boot). The installation process go smoothly (only for Ubuntu 22, I tried 20 and 23 but neither detected my SSDs). When I restart my computer after choosing to start Ubuntu in GRUB I get the following output:

ACPI Error: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS, During na ...
Score: 0
babayaga avatar
Got no internet connection on my Ubuntu 23.04. Need help
sj flag

My Ubuntu had internet connection previously , but once I have set up my DNS and DHCP servers, my Ubuntu has no more internet connection.

May I know what is the main cause of not having internet connection?

Does my in real life IP address affects it or could it be some configurations that I have made during the set up of my DNS and DHCP server?

Score: 0
Hans Christian Koch avatar
How to update icon of a .bin file - not working anymore since 22
in flag

On Ubuntu 22, Wayland disabled: I have a .bin file that has no icon. In 16.04 I could create a launcher (.desktop) file like this:

[Desktop Entry]

That would create a "shortcut" on the desktop using that icon and also, when launching the application, would use that image as a icon  ...

Score: 0
WinkingBanana avatar
rm'd 300GB of storage in ubuntu but disk space hasn't been reclaimed
gr flag

Due to a program I was running in ubuntu doing a number of unnecessary tasks (not immensely important but background) I had over 300GB of unwanted files on my local disk. I used the rm command on all the files I didn't want.

Using du --max-depth=1 -h | sort -h command I can see that my ubuntu profile is only taking up 16GB of space. The root is only taking of 2.3MB of disk space. I am using windows 11 a ...

Score: 0
dnn avatar
WSL installation is failing with error code 0x80248014
cw flag

My WSL installation on windows10 is failing with below error code .

>wsl.exe --install -d Ubuntu
Installing: Ubuntu
An error occurred during installation. Distribution Name: 'Ubuntu' Error Code: 0x80248014

I don't understand this error code. what exactly this error indicating?

Score: 0
JoeCool avatar
Kubuntu 22.03 access to "Online Accounts" on "System Settings" freezes the "Web authentication for google" window while trying to authenticate
ru flag

You can reproduce this issue by opening System Settings at Plasma Desktop main menu.

On the left panel you will find the Online Accounts section and a button to add a new account. Click on that button and then the Google option. An authentication window will open. Type your user name and click on the next button to get asked for your password. The web dialog will shade and you'll get stuck there.

Score: 1
evening silver fox avatar
Ubuntu 22.04 crashes when laptop is on battery power
lc flag

I have recently installed Ubuntu 22.04 alongside my original Windows 11 in my Dell laptop. Ubuntu runs fine when my laptop is plugged in, but it keeps on freezing when on battery power. This happens even though I have kept my laptop on "performance" mode (as opposed to "battery saver" or "balanced" throughout, even when it's on battery power.

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.