Latest Ubuntu related questions

Score: 1
BartekT avatar
Running program from a script upon resume from suspend
us flag

I try to run program RealTimeSync upon resuming system from sleep using script located in /lib/systemd/system-sleep/ in file with following contents:


case $1 in
                echo "$(date) - $1: Killing RealTimeSync" >> /home/bart/Applications/FreeFileSync/suspend_resume.log
                kill -9 `ps -aux | pgrep RealTimeSync`
Score: 1
baconthehustler avatar
Having the dock on different sides of two monitors
bv flag

Ubuntu beginner here. I'd like to have the dock on the left side of my left monitor and on the right side of my right monitor, but the settings force me to keep the dock on the same side (that is, left side on left monitor and left side on right monitor). Is there any solution to this? I'm on version 21.04 if it is relevant.

edit: To clarify, I want the dock on both my monitors. The problem is th ...

Score: 0
godZeon avatar
Which partition should I choose to install Ubuntu and uninstall Windows 10?
de flag

I'm new to Linux and trying to delete Windows and install Ubuntu. Here's the partitions image:

Image of partitions

I used unetbootin to boot from HDD. I don't know which partition to choose.

Score: 0
how to make gedit keep focus on `find`?
br flag

The default behavior when searching via ctrl+f is to change focus to the editor after first match, instead of automatically dropping me out of the search box.

Instead I want the search box to keep focus (like every other GUI text editor) so hitting return advances to the next match instead of inserting a bunch of new lines in the file.

Score: 1
Divija Gogineni avatar
How to download linux kernel source code
ph flag

I need to take a look at the ext4 fs files. I tried apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r). But it says:

Picking 'linux-signed' as source package instead of 'linux-image-5.4.0-72-generic'

Please suggest on how to download source code on ubuntu 20.04 and the relevant path of the source code.

Score: 3
dev-perri avatar
How to change Ubuntu 21.04 Orange color? It persists even after changing GTK theme
id flag

I use gnome 3.38.5 on ubuntu 21.04. My tweaks setting: tweaks setting

basically i wanna change all the orange colour on ubuntu. for example the border of this research form or those of the monitor preview on the right: picture_1

Score: 0
Ignacio Más avatar
NFS server not responding to nfs mount request
be flag

I have an NFS server running on a Ubuntu server on hirsute that stopped answering mount requests after the upgrade and I can't sort out why and a reinstall has not enabled the nfs-server-back. It appears that the auth-rpcgss-module and rpc-svcgssv services aren't running; nfs-config is no longer active but appears to have completed its task and exited. These three had white dots next to them in the outp ...

Score: 0
Tom M avatar
Cannot start Kubuntu 18.04 desktop from WIndows 10 remote desktop
gb flag

My system is Ubuntu 18.04 with Kubuntu desktop running on a Raspberry Pi Model 4, 8 GB.

Until recently all was working fine when I logged in from Windows 10 via Remote Desktop. The current issue is that after Remote Desktop accepts my login credentials, Kubuntu desktop begins to load but hangs after I enter the login credentials at its prompt. The desktop background shows, and the mouse pointer m ...

Score: 0
Vasudeva S avatar
Is there a version of XCODE available for linux?
th flag

I am a user of Ubuntu-Budgie cuz i really like its Mac like interface. Recently I've started my development career in Flutter. I have set up an Android Emulator on my device for testing purpose but i face the problem while testing out for iOS Devices. Would Really be helpful if someone could provide me some help.

It would also be really great if someone could provide alternatives for the testing on iOS ...

Score: 0
Installing on Toshiba Satellite-z30-b-100: how to increase display resolution
gq flag

I've installed Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS on my laptop (Toshiba Satellite Z30) and I was wondering if there's a way to improve the current display resolution (it's set to 1366x768, but it looks a little blured). Anyone knows if there's a better driver than the one used by default?


Score: 0
iamafasha avatar
s2disk: Could not use the resume device (try swapon -a). Reason: No such device when setting hibernation
cg flag

I am trying setup hibernation using s2disk while using this answer on ubuntu 20.04 but am facing an error when testing it as below.

username@PC-Name:~$ sudo s2disk
s2disk: Could not use the resume device (try swapon -a). Reason: No such device

When I do swapon -s

username@PC-Name:~$ swapon -s
Filename                Type        Size    Used    Priority
/dev/nvme0n1p6                          partition   ...
Score: 1
Ajay avatar
.img file restore to disk partition
by flag

I had created a backup.img file from a hard disk having two partitions. Now I want to write these partitions to another hard disk. But the problem is I don't know how? If I use dd than it write the complete backup.img file to one partition and then I see nothing there. Please help.

Edit 1 dd if = /XXX/backup.img of = /dev/sdb1

Actually sdb have many partitions so I can not write backup.img to comple ...

Score: 1
k-ish0212 avatar
msi GS66 Stealth 11UH touchpad doesn't work on ubuntu20.04 and 21.04
es flag

Somehow my pc(msi GS66 Stealth 11UH) touchpad doesn't work. I tried some current kernel is 5.12.19-051219-generic. Does anyone solved this?

FYI, I could work touchpad once in Ubuntu20.04or21.04(I forgot, sorry),kernel5.11.0-25 but after some installation of another software and firmware, touchpad stopped working.

Thank you.

Score: 0
Abayomi Usman avatar
How can i regain access to change permissions on my files on ubuntu
in flag
 chmod -rwx balfyp
chmod: changing permissions of 'balfyp': Operation not permitted

i changed the mount options on my wsl to fmask=111 suddenly i have zero access to my entire files on my /mnt/c please help me i just want to change my file access to only me to have rwx access to it please.

Score: 0
Vikram avatar
Ubuntu with Secure Boot Enabled
in flag

I am new to Linux/Ubuntu. I want to install Ubuntu with Secure Boot option enabled. If I enable secure boot option in BIOS, I cannot boot using the Ubuntu USB installation disk. I get the error - "Image authorization fail. System can not boot to this device due to security violation". If I turn off Secure Boot in BIOS, everything works. How can I install Ubuntu with Secure Boot enabled? The reason I wan ...

Score: 0
user2762996 avatar
Making ubuntu installations able to boot by themselfes retrospectively
tf flag

all my ubuntu derivates are installed on external disks. I installed them without regards of the implication. Now, I want to be able to plug them onto other computers and want them still be bootable. That turned out to be a huge problem. Apparently, during installation, ubuntu installs the necessary files for booting inside the efi partition of my system. Trying to boot by selecting the disk directly fr ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.