Latest Ubuntu related questions

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Nicola avatar
How to add persistent IP routes in Ubuntu 20.04 server
cn flag

Maybe this question has been answered somewhere before but I can’t seems to figure it out as yet. Lately I’m having some issues with my Ubuntu 20.04 server. I installed OpenVPN and I can successfully create a vpn tunnel with NordVPN. Problem is that when the tunnel is created the connection breaks down and I cannot ssh back into the server unless I add some ip routes. I found a solution for this: As ...

Score: 0
600hacker avatar
How to download a text editor on xubuntu?
cn flag

Should I install my text editor from the ubuntu software store or download it manually? And how do I download it manually?

Score: 3
Wobbo avatar
LibreOffice small resolution 4K screen
rw flag

All programs, except LibreOffice, make it easy to adjust the resolution for my 4K screen. What should I do to adjust LibreOffice resolution?

enter image description here

Score: 1
Alduxo avatar
Terminal autocomplete doesn't work after some updates
br flag

I have been using Ubuntu for quite some time now. At first everything worked good. After some update that was released lately (probably less than 2 months), terminal does not autocomplete commands any more.

When I try to type something and try to autocomplete it with tab... it just does nothing.

I tried to look at some solutions on this site including this

Terminal autocomplete doesn't work properly

Score: 0
Sant avatar
How to raise alerts after a certain time frame from the time stamp of the file name?
cn flag

directory=($(ls /home/cloudera/Downloads/20211006/*))

for i in "${directory[@]}"
         files+=("$(echo ${i%%.*} | cut -d'/' -f 6)")

while read -r current_line; 
         each_row+=("$(echo "$current_line")")
Score: 2
D6ig9u7 avatar
Install Ubuntu without a USB flash drive or CD
ru flag

I currently use Zorin OS and I want to switch to Ubuntu. If I try UNetbootin for Linux, it doesn't show any boot entry to install Ubuntu and I can't purchase a USB flash drive right now.

How can I install Ubuntu without a USB flash drive or CD?

Score: 2
Is there a way to shift the screen color hues with colors inverted?
de flag

I've managed to invert the screen with xcalib -alter -invert, but now blue is orange etc.

Isn't there a way to hue-shift the screen colors as well, so only the brightness is inverted and not the hue?

(side note: I figured out I can run OBS with a color correction filter to see my first monitor the way I want. It is a bit hacky though!)

Score: 0
Akshith Thota avatar
BT Icon not listing any device
us flag

I was using windows 7 before the update and before the update the driver was working good it was detecting all the devices but after the update the driver was not at all discovering any BT devices I used my phone headset and turned my BT on but it was not working.

My BT driver -Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0a5c:21d7 Broadcom Corp. BCM43142 Bluetooth 4.0

Please help me, I have to attend my classes, so please ...

Score: 0
Ubuntu Server 20.04 Installation problem on Vmware esxi
ng flag

Screenshot -1 Screenshot -2

Hello everyone, i can't install Ubuntu server 20.04 or 21 to my esxi, i have 15+ hosts on my esxi and some of them are based on linux, there is no problem with them, i searched it on internet but i can't get solution, please help me for that problem.

Score: 0
ubnewb avatar
Modify grub on bootable usb
it flag

I have a windows laptop with a confused keyboard that keeps thinking that the windows key is being held down. When I use the Ubuntu 20.04 bootable usb it still thinks that the windows key is being pressed. I would like to modify the usb to disable the keyboard.

One recommendation is to add "i8042.nokbd" but I am not sure where to add it to the bootable usb. Another way is to have

'xinput disable "key ...
Score: 1
Deshwal avatar
How to find and kill specific Monitoring AGENT running on system?
tr flag

I have an agent installed on my computer which works with python. I think it starts with startup but I could not find any program on startup so I decided to check running processes for python and to my surprise, there was the agent keep_alive()

(base) admin1@shady-pc:~$ ps -fA | grep python
root      6533     1  0 10:27 ?        00:00:01 python /opt/SapphireIMSAgent/SapphireIMS.pyc keep_alive

So if it  ...

Score: 2
Reza Hosseinzadeh avatar
How to lock a partition with Ubuntu so that it won't be accidentally wiped during an OS installation?
kr flag

I want to install Arch. I have no use CLI-installer. So I am scared that I delete my important data in a partition. Can I lock the partition for saving data? I use ubuntu. Can I do it in ubuntu? Or is there a way to hide the partition from the installer?

Score: 0
A.G. avatar
On what occasions canonical livepatch machine-token change?
it flag

On what occasions canonical livepatch machine-token change?

Is it possible to get new livepatch machine-token without fresh installation of OS?

Is it necessary to go through using any browser?

Score: 0
fbdummy avatar
Files from Windows with 'unsupported reparse point' on ubuntu
cn flag

I'm trying to pass some files that I have on Windows to a HD. As I lost my Windows user password I'm recovering those files through an Ubuntu usb (20.04 focal). However, some files and folders were shared with OneDrive. When I copied those files to a HD through Ubuntu they appear as broken symlink and by doing ls -l it appears 'unsupported reparse point'. By searching through the Internet I reached the  ...

Score: 0
Update failure due to checksum mismatch
ar flag

I am using ubuntu 18.04. When I tried to update the software using sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, I get a checksum mismatch error:

Get:1 bionic-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-4.15.0-144 all 4.15.0-144.148 [11.0 MB]
Err:1 bionic-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-4.15.0-144 all 4.15.0-144.148
  Hash Sum mismatch
  Hashes of exp ...
Score: 0
gUfriL avatar
how to recover windows 7 overwritten by ubuntu server 18.04
gb flag

I installed ubuntu server 18.04 on my computer, and there was an error when setting up the partition, so the windows 7 hard drive and my data were deleted / overwritten by this ubuntu install, I've tried the boot-repair method, an error like this appears Unable to init server: cloud not connect and xhost: unable to open display

and I try to see in the grub menu there is no my windows os, in the bios  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.