Latest Ubuntu related questions

Score: 3
dnaik avatar
How to disable hover to click on top bar?
fr flag

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with GNOME. When I go to the top bar and click on the Applications button, the applications menu opens up. However, while taking the mouse to my required application, it often travels over the Places button, which automatically opens the places menu. I do not want this to happen.

How do I configure it so that a menu opens only when I click on it and not when I hover my m ...

Score: 0
Edwin avatar
Disable gvfsd & goa-daemon for ssh login (or any non-real user login)
it flag

After I upgraded to the latest Ubuntu 20.04. I noticed users that login via ssh (even for users just do port forwarding or system user e.g. gdm) have gvfsd & goa-daemon & all their related processes spawned in the background. Is there any way to disable that for non-GUI users login?

Score: 2
nur88 avatar
install QT ubuntu OS raspberry pi
ky flag

Hi is there anyone know how to install QT to ubuntu OS with raspberry pi 4. I try to install QT in Ubuntu 18.04 but there is error say '/lib64/': no such file or directory'. I download QT software from the website and try to run it but nothing appear. and when I try to run using terminal it give this '/lib64/': no such file or directory' error. Does anyone know ho ...

Score: 9
Ghostkeeper avatar
Microphone not showing up as input device in settings, only in pavucontrol
in flag

I have an audio interface, a UMC404HD, that I use both for my speakers and for my microphone. It's plugged in via USB cable. This used to work under Ubuntu 20.10. However something seems to have gone wrong as I updated to 21.04.

The main problem is that I can't select the interface as microphone input any more. The only available input is from my webcam, where previously it allowed me to select t ...

Score: 0
helena george avatar
ssh login halts partway through, and terminal freezes
pt flag

When I try to log into my remote Ubuntu server, I log in successfully, but my terminal freezes, displaying only half of the welcome banner.

This is how my terminal looks when in freeze :

Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-1045-aws x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  System  ...
Score: 0
sdo avatar
What kind of machine can I use to install Linux Ubuntu?
us flag

I have already followed a process for instaling Ubuntu by myself without knowing anything about this OS back in 2005 (I had background for installing OS s.a FreeBSD 4.2). My machine was bought on 2005 (old one) and was HP AMD 64 (now the machine does not work anymore and, I want to change it). I heard that there was issues around 2015 by installing Ubuntu on machine by erasing Windows 10 on machine boug ...

Score: 1
DonP avatar
Ubuntu 20.10 Cannot Install or Uninstall MySQL
cn flag

In trying to update my system prior to upgrading to 21.04 LTS, MySQL was giving errors that it could neither be updated nor repaired so I purged it with:

sudo apt purge mysql-server-8.0
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgrad ...
Score: 0
In Guake the first time I use it the window is not focused
es flag

When I first open Guake by pressing F12 anything I type does not appear, I need to click on the Guake window then I can type in it. From then on when I press F12 it is automatically focused.

I have "refocus on open" already ticked in preferences.

I also run Conky on login, would that have anything to do with it or might it be just a bug with Guake?

Score: 0
RRWW avatar
Dual boot manager showing the wrong disk
us flag

I have a dual boot system with two separate disks, one for Windows (on a Samsung SSD), and one for Ubuntu (on a WD HDD). Today, Ubuntu booted into BusyBox shell with (initramfs). Then I noticed that from my BIOS boot up menu, the boot manager showed the same disk for both Windows and Ubuntu. Something like this:

Windows Boot Manager (M.2_2: Samsung SSD .....)(500GB)
ubuntu (M.2_2: Samsung SSD ....)(500GB) ...
Score: 0
J. Mini avatar
Hardware acceleration is broken after removing a seemingly irrelevant xrandr command at start up. How to debug?
in flag

I have recently obtained a second monitor. Until yesterday, I used to modify the resolution of my original monitor by running the command xrandr --output eDP1 --scale 0.75x0.75 at log-in via a ~/.config/autostart/xrandr.desktop file. Under the advise of a commenter, I removed this command. To the best of my knowledge, my primary monitor's resolution is now set at 1600x900 via the GUI and there is n ...

Score: 0
Charler987 avatar
What is the min. size of the Hard Drive to install Ubuntu? I am a new user
in flag

I have install the Microsoft App. Ubuntu 20.04LTS on a HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook PC Processor is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.20 GHz 8.00 Gb with 1TB SSD . I have Windows 10 Pro installed and need to know what else is needed to run on top of Windows.

Score: 0
S.Nikolic avatar
For some reason firmware boot time is slow
kz flag

The boot time of my system recently became very slow.

Here's the config:

Sys config

Here's the systemd-analyze output:

Systemd time

And here's the systemd-analyze blame output:

Systemd blame

Is there anything I can do or is my laptop slowly but surely dying?

Score: 0
Leonardo Carlassare avatar
Motherboard problem: GRUB Rescue mode
co flag

I changed the hard drive with a new one already with Ubuntu inside (i'm sure of It).

I tried everything on the BIOS settings bun in any case It shows me the "GRUB, entering Rescue mode" screen.

I tried everything also for this problem, but I cannot find out what Is going on.

So, my question is, if I change the motherboard (the current Is 7 years old) can i Solve this problem?

Score: 0
bluesquare avatar
Setting time with date and hwclock does not permanently set the time
ph flag

I'm running these:

~$ sudo date --set="2021-06-09 16:33:50.0"
Wed Jun  9 16:33:50 UTC 2021
~$ sudo hwclock --systohc

once the system is rebooted it loses the info and its 4 hours off.

This is an offline system and there is no ntp or chrony solution that will work.

Score: 1
J A S K I E R avatar
FTPS. How to upload to a Home Folder only?
de flag

Ubuntu 20.04, server.

Wanted to configure the FTPS following instructions:

Did all actions and got error with FileZilla: Response: 500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/var/www

The problem is I did the Step 4, method #1 firstly:

sudo usermod -d /var/www ftpuser
sudo chown ftpuser:ftpuser /var/www/html

After that I did Step 4, method #2

sudo mkdi ...
Score: 0
raj avatar
Ubuntu 20.04, Snap Store does not start
cn flag

Suddenly, Snap Store does not start. When started from the terminal, it displays the message:

/snap/snap-store/518/usr/bin/snap-store: symbol lookup error: /snap/snap-store/518/gnome-platform/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: atk_plug_set_child

Did some recent update maybe break something? How to fix it?

(I can use GNOME Software as workaround, that works correctly)

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.