Latest Ubuntu related questions

Score: 1
DevanDev avatar
Nvidia No devices were found Ubuntu 20.04
in flag

Lately i have installed cuda toolkit dev conda and my system is reporting No devices were found when i check nvidia-smi

I have checked nvidia tools in my systems

lsmod | grep nvidia
nvidia_uvm           1011712  0
nvidia_drm             53248  0
nvidia_modeset       1228800  1 nvidia_drm
nvidia              34156544  2 nvidia_uvm,nvidia_modeset
drm_kms_helper        217088  2 amdgpu,nvidia_drm
nvidiaf ...
Score: 1
SWAP usage too high after upgrading RAM
ru flag

I had upgraded the ram on my Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS from 16 GB to 32 GB. Things seemed to had worked fine, i.e., the machine ran and cat /proc/meminfo showed 32 GB of ram. Today the machine seemed considerably slower, so I checked again and this is what top looked like:

top - 14:00:38 up 17 days, 18:39,  1 user,  load average: 2.75, 2.39, 2.28
Tasks: 510 total,   2 running, 507 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 z ...
Score: 0
crystal_maps avatar
Copy and paste zip files based on name
cn flag

I have DEM zip files that include decimal degrees in the name of the files (ex: I need to reorganize all the zip files into new folders based on UTM zone. All the zips are currently organized in folders based on northing then further into easting/westing. Any help would be great.

Edit: I need a script to help me move these files into new directories on my computer. Doing ...

Score: 0
Adi Beast Gamer avatar
Unable To Play Minecraft Multiplayer On Any Server
vn flag

Hello Guys I am Adi a New Ubuntu user currently using the latest version of Ubuntu 20.04LTS I was Playing Minecraft good till yesterday From today I am Unable to play on any minecraft server Its too laggy, My Internet is fine and my ping on is 3ms I am using java-8 as the minecraft guide shows, I litreally did everything clearing cache, restarting, reinstall launcher, reinstalling minecraf ...

Score: 0
Three paritions appears in my pendrive ntfs, ext4 and unallocated (write protected)
br flag

I have hp pen-drive with the model v232w. First I created the bootable image for Ubuntu which created ext4 partition and some unallocated space. Then I tried to create bootable image of the windows on the same pen-drive which created three partition named as ntfs, ext4 and write protected unallocated space.

Please see the screenshot below

enter image description here

Solutions I tried

1.) I tried with diskpart in windows cm ...

Score: 0
dunbrokin avatar
How do I get my machine to boot properly into 20.04, if I do nothing I get a blank screen, if I hit shift I go to revovery and can boot from there
ng flag

Something weird has happened to my desktop. It will no longer boot properly. I am running Ubuntu 20.04.02 and Gnu Grub 2.04 and Kernel 5.4.0-77. When I boot I have to hit shift to take me into the recovery screen....otherwise it will never boot. I have tried using Kernel with "recovery mode" and going through the various options...but it seems ok and when I launch it does so....and then when I shut dow ...

Score: 0
can not run bash
ch flag

I couldn't execute bash file. I gave chmod 777 to the file, but there is no success. it says

sudo : : command not found the bash file could be executed on other ubunutu but not mine. so I created a simple bash like this

 echo "This is a test"

again I recieve

sudo : : command not found

how could I fix it ?

Score: 0
Myat Min Soe avatar
(nmcli con up/down ens33 /nmcli con mod ens33 ipv4.method auto ) does not use ubuntu 20.10
jp flag

run the command nmcli con up ens33 they show (Error: unknow connection 'ens33') but i can run nmcli show device / nmcli dev status / .... apt install network-manager is already install

Score: 0
massivemoisture avatar
Two different IPs when accessing through SSH vs directly via terminal
mn flag

I have this app that needs to get the assigned static IP of my Ubuntu PC. The PC is behind this proxy server:

When I open the app using SSH from another computer, the app displays the correct assigned IP. But when I open the app directly in Ubuntu, it displays this IP: I have no idea where it gets this IP from. This IP doesn't show up when I run "ifconfig".

I'm new to Linux.  ...

Score: 1
Rohit Nagpal avatar
How to compile .so file in Ubuntu with GLIBC_2.27
pr flag

I have an executable and some .so file in Ubuntu 20.04 but I need to use these .so files in Ubuntu 18.04. Now, when I try to copy and use these .so files in Ubuntu 18.04, it is giving me error which is /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by

I got to know that we cannot upgrade the GLIBC_2.27 on Ubuntu 18.04 to GLIBC_2.29. So, I want to try compiling the .so ...

Score: 1
DeltaPlano avatar
Brightness issue
mx flag

I need help with my laptop brightness; it is a Huawei Matebook 13.

The Fn1 and Fn2 key bindings for brightness do not work, but the volume ones do work.

I tried with xrandr --output eDP --brightness 1 and many other solutions found in forums but them only makes my screen looking whiter, not increasing brightness.

Score: 0
displayertoday avatar
Numbered JPG ~ move jpgs to new dir
fr flag

I have asked this question before but unforutantly I lost access to my old email so i can't find the thread again.

basically i have alot of sub directories with over 1000 images/jpgs and i want to move them all into one directory but the problem is the images have the same filename IMG1-IMG2-IMG3 and so on.

On my old thread there was a guy who sent me command with something with numbered ~ prefix ~  ...

Score: 2
Diablo avatar
Livepatch problem. Cloned?
jp flag

Ubuntu 20.4.2 LTS - FOCAL

My laptop was working fine and the Internet speed fine. This, until ew days ago when the Internet speed went down dramatically. It's now 50 to 60% slower.

  • I didn't change any settings.
  • I didn't install or remove any software.
  • I'm not going to websites I never went to before.

Today I noticed that the icon for the live patch's status isn't showing anymore and I don't know since ...

Score: 1
chongkai Lu avatar
How to custom color of Folder Name?
cn flag

I have lots of folders whose names illustrating the characteristics of their contents. Finding the target one is very time-consuming because their names share a similar format.

How can I make the folder name display in different colors according to its format? E.g. a folder named "[user]{date}(notes)" display the text in [] with red, text in {} with green, the text in () with yellow, others with b ...

Score: 1
PlatinumBard avatar
Mouse and keyboard not working after stopping xorg process. Persists after reboot
cn flag

So I accidentally stopped a running Xorg process on my ubuntu (with kill -STOP and the PID). I was trying to stop another process but got the wrong PID.

After I did it, immediately mouse and keyboard stopped working. On reboot, I can log in just fine (mouse an keyboard work perfectly, same goes for my windows setup and also ubuntu in recovery mode), but then the second I'm logged in I can't use m ...

Score: 0
Videkas avatar
PC i3-9100e won't wake up on certain time
cn flag

Tried on the newest Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - kernel 5.8.0-59-generic. CPU - i3-9100E, GPU - integrated intel

commands what were used for the wake alarm and sleep:

  1. suspend to RAM and wake up after 60 seconds: sudo rtcwake -v -m mem -s 60

the rtcwake output shows, that PC must wake up after 60 seconds, but seems that rtc driver won't work properly and POS won't return from the sleep at all, i.e. PC is not r ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.