Latest Ubuntu related questions

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Lee avatar
How to print 4 odd pages per sheet (in front), and 4 even pages (in back)?
cn flag

I have a PDF file (with 8 pages), I want to print it in the following way:

  • It must be 4 pages per sheet,
  • The odd pages must be printed together, same for the even pages

So, we have these pages (1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 8) that must be printed in one paper (both sides).

The odd pages must be printed as shown below:

|       |       |
|   1   |   3   |
|       |       |
Score: 0
Syed Ibrahim Bukhari avatar
Can I reference a file in another file location rather than copying and pasting it?
ms flag

Imagine I have a file named "Movie 1" sized 2 gb in the Videos directory, and then i want to organize that file into 2 other files, such as placing "Movie 1" into "Funny Movies" file and "Action Movies" File. Normally i would copy the "movie 1" and paste it into both "funny movies" and "action movies", but wouldn't it use 4gb memory for the same "Movie 1" which is double to its original size of 2g ...

Score: 0
KMG avatar
How to direct specific commands traffic to ethernet interface not wifi?
in flag

I'm starting to learn networking but I'm having trouble using to direct traffic to eth0. I want to run a command (wakeonlan) and see the traffic in wireshark the problem is that ethernet 802.3 frames are totally different from wifi 802.11 frames that I'cant follow along the coarse. I want a way to direct specific commands to ehernet interface eth0 instead of wlp interface something like when using red ...

Score: 0
Mark avatar
Ubuntu Server - Power Saving Mode
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I have a small headless Ubuntu server that is used exclusively as a Plex media server. I mostly stream music during normal day hours and sometimes at night. In the near future I want to sort out a backup option that runs periodically at night. I'd like it to go into a low power mode automagically when it can. I also want it to still "listen" for me to start streaming music or whatever.

Is the ...

Score: 2
0x54 avatar
MSFT/Mylar Touchpad on Lenovo Ideapad flex 5 14ARE05 Ubuntu 21.04
mu flag

The touchpad on my Laptop has never worked (since 20.04), however the issue has persisted throughout several kernel updates, now 5.11. According to the spec sheet, the touchpad is supposed to be a "Buttonless Mylar® touchpad" but in the error messages it is called MSFT0001:00. The note app Xournalpp can detect it although the rest of the system can't and calles it "MSFT0001:00 04F3:3140"

Many so ...

Score: 0
Can I use ddrescue to backup and restore an NVMe disk
cn flag

In the past I have booted to a live Ubuntu USB and used ddrescue to back up my main drive.

I mounted an external USB drive, say IMGBackups and then did something like:

cd /media/live/IMGBackups
sudo ddrescue /dev/sda ./SystemDrive.img ./SystemDrive.log

I could then restore that drive with:

cd /media/live/IMGBackups
sudo ddrescue --force ./SystemDrive.img /dev/sda Restore.log

I have a new computer wit ...

Score: 1
Minor Vargas avatar
Netextender disconnecting on ubuntu 20.04
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I'm using netextender to connect to my company's network. It does connect, whether I use the gui or the cli, but after a few minutes it just stops receiving and or sending packages. I tried these solutions How to get Netextender (VPN) working in Ubuntu 12.10 x64? but none of them work. Any advice on what to do? I can even use an alternative if it's recommended

Score: 1
Peppe avatar
Second monitor isn't available in display settings
by flag

I just installed Ubuntu and connected a second monitor, but the display settings is not showing properly. The settings simply do not show the option for a second monitor.

Display Settings

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Abishek M avatar
While opening Gdebi , "g-io-error-quark", Ubuntu 21.04 Hirsute Hippo
de flag

While opening Gdebi, I was getting up an dialogue box naming "g-io-error-quark",and the app quits by pressing OK.I'm using Ubuntu 21.04 Hirsute Hippo .Kindly give me a solution.I'm a newbie to Ubuntu,idk how it works, I wish there could be webpage listing out what packages to be installed for what purpose.Thankyou for reading

Score: 1
Chanuka Naveen Koswatta avatar
No option to maximize in Anaconda Navigator Window
gb flag

I recently switched to Ubuntu from windows. When opening anaconda-navigator the application is opened as below. There is no maximize button available. Searched multiple sites but still don't understand what is wrong.

  • Ubuntu version - 20.04.2 LTS
  • Type - 64 bit
  • GNOME Version - 3.36.8
  • Conda version - 4.10.1

Commands used to open

$ conda activate
$ anaconda-navigator

Opened Window Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

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TonyKutunio avatar
Black screen after installing CUDA, UBUNTU 20.04
us flag

Hi can anyone help me please? I got a black screen after installing nvidia cuda drivers.

UBUNTU 20.04, kernel 5.8.0-55-generic

Driver Version: 465.27
CUDA Version: 11.3

20gb of RAM, 2gb Nvidia mx150, Intel Core i7-8550U.

I'm also getting this message when trying to run a model: "RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 20.00 MiB (GPU 0; 1.96 GiB total capacity; 2.00 Mi ...

Score: 0
Manuel Oliveira avatar
Wake-on-lan through wifi
cn flag

I activated the wake-on-lan functionality on my motherboard.

When I have my two computers connected through lan (ethernet cable) I can wake up the computer just fine.

However, when I am connected to the wi-fi and issue the same command it will not work:

wakeonlan MAC_of_my_Machine

How can I send the magic package through my wifi to wake the computer?

Best regards

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sadkfdsfjklsdfjklds avatar
Libreoffice folder still in lib after uninstall
si flag

I uninstalled LibreOffice using:

sudo apt remove --purge libreoffice

on Ubuntu 21.04, but when I look at my lib folder, there is still a folder libreoffice with binaries, libraries, etc. When I try to remove libreoffice again using apt, it claims that LibreOffice is not installed.

Is apt lying to me? Also, how can I completely remove LibreOffice?

Score: 1
jwinterm avatar
USB-C charging stopped working when computer is turned on
us flag

I have an issue with HP Pavilion laptop running kubuntu 20.04 - today it stopped charging via USB-C cable. USB-C still works fine, I connect my phone and laptop can charge my phone and open files, but when I tell my phone to charge laptop or just plug it into wall the laptop doesn't charge anymore (previously did).

I've tried updating to latest kernel now (5.12.11-051211-generic), and the bios do ...

Score: 0
Davi Barreira avatar
Black Screen after installing SageMath
in flag

This problem happened in my friend's computer, and I'm trying to help him out. He was using Jupyter for coding python, and installed SageMath using sudo apt-get install sagemath. He said that after that, the Jupyter kernel stopped working, so he decided to reboot his computer. The problem is, once he did this, he got a black screen, as shown below: enter image description here

He said he can actually navigate the Ubuntu system, bu ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.