Latest Ubuntu related questions

Score: 1
Tristan Tran avatar
Naming file using content of terminal output
cn flag

This thread here discussed how to output terminal content to a file. Particularly, with this:

command |& tee output.txt

Question: is it possible to utilize part of the output content to name the file. For eg., suppose the content is printed out line by line as following:

act ...
Score: 0
Changing boot drive after installing new SSD
in flag

To upgrade my desktop PC (a nine year old ACER Predator G3620 with six SATA ports, one SATA III, the other five SATA II) I decided to install an SSD to replace the original mechanical hard drive. Before installing the SSD my dual-boot set up was

A small SSD connected to the SATA III port containing a Windows 10 NTFS partition, on /dev/sda3, and an ext4 partition for my Ubuntu 20.04 root, on /dev/ ...

Score: 0
Mostakim avatar
Why my machine uploading a lot for no reason ? Am I being tracked or something?
jp flag

A snapshot from System Monitor App

Everytime I initiate an internet activity on my ubuntu 20.04 through an app whether it is a browser or any app that requires internet, I see via the System Monitor app something is being uploaded/sent somewhere. Sometimes the upload is in some bytes per second sometimes a large KiB/s. ("sending" on the image)

After spending a large amount of time on the internet  ...

Score: 1
Ali_d avatar
frozen solving environment step in installing a package in ubuntu
cn flag

I am trying to install moose framework in my ubuntu (20.4). It has three main steps: exporting path of miniconda using:

export PATH=$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$PATH

Configuring Conda to work with conda-forge, and channel of developers of moose:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels idaholab

and finally installing the framework using:

conda create --name moose moose-libme ...
Score: 9
Thomas OHern avatar
Disabling Power Saving features via command line
ke flag

I manage a number of remote kiosk systems. After upgrading to 20.04 Desktop, I believe some issues are being caused by some of the power saving features that can be disabled via the Settings > Power control panel, but for these systems I only have command line access.

Is there a way to disable these (in particular Automatic Brightness, Dim Screen While Inactive, and Automatic Suspend) from the ...

Score: 0
The MAJOR avatar
why does my swap grow bigger day by day until I re-boot?
de flag

ubuntu 20.04lts on Gateway E-475M laptop

I do not normally shut down daily, but suspend onto battery overnight, but notice the SWAP usage (2GB RAM / 2GB SWAP) grows each day until it gets almost maxed out, where I have to reboot and it's usage drops to zero. I use the laptop to browse only (read local newspaper in morning, watch 30 min news stream, check GAB and PARLER once daily, once in awhile  ...

Score: 1
Maruntelu Madalin avatar
How do I install a package with synaptic?
in flag

I looked for some help, but the image and tips didn't fit my synaptic. Here is how my Synaptic Package Manager looks:

Synaptic Package Manager

Score: 0
Fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04 won't boot (UEFI issue?)
co flag

I just installed Ubuntu 20.04 on an old-ish computer, an MSI A88X-G45 motherboard, no dual-boot, and a clean new SSD. The motherboard/RAM/CPU have been running Windows 7 and 10 for years, and work fine.

The 250GB SSD is set up with two partitions:

  • /dev/sda1: efi (650 MB)
  • /dev/sda2: ext4, root (everthing else)

Booting from the USB installer worked perfectly; the installation seemed fine, and the grub  ...

Score: 0
Wrong user info shown on Ubuntu 21.04 login screen when coming back from screen lock, unable to login
cn flag

Sometimes after my screen is blanked and locked automatically and I wake it up, the login screen doesn't show my name or picture. It just shows a generic new user photo. If I enter my password, the spinning circle appears next to the password text box and gets stuck that way indefinitely. If instead I press Esc twice, I get back to a login screen with my name and picture and am able to unlock normally.

Score: 0
Copper avatar
Can ping, but no data exchange over internet
cn flag

I am on a Wifi hotspot that is controlled directly by my ISP. I have been using this connection for the past 4 years. From time to time, a problem like this happens:

  1. Internet is connected per se. I can ping URLs and IPs. But a command like this works only after a second try (i.e. only after a ctrl+C and repeat): ping -s 56

  2. I can access certain websites without any problems (ex:,  ...

Score: 1
KDsingh avatar
Ubuntu 20.04 IEC958/SPDIF/Optical audio no sound
ml flag

I am new to Linux and am running Ubuntu 20.04. I am using MSI motherboard and do not hear any sound output while using Fiber Optic Audio cable.

I tried using:

sudo aplay -l

and got the following output:

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 0/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI  ...
Score: 0
S.Thakur avatar
I went back to my default bashrc and now the conda is not recognized as a command anymore in the terminal
bt flag

For some reason, I did a reset of my bashrc and now my terminal says conda: command not found. Must be because all the changes in bashrc that came with the conda installation are not present there anymore. All my environments are still preserved and I can use them in PyCharm as it was before the reset. Can someone please list down the necessary changes I need to do to get my conda working in the termina ...

Score: 0
nocnoc avatar
Stuck on integrated intel HD 630 graphics card, cannot use dedicated nvidia 940mx graphics card
sn flag

I have a thinkpad T470p with a nvidia 940mx. The laptop used to use the dedicated card back when I first installed ubuntu on it right after 20.04 came out, I emulated a few ps2 games on it. But for the last few months, I suspect since the kernel was updated to 5.8 I am stuck using the integrated intel card.

I have updated my nvidia driver to the latest GM108M-driver-465 and have used prime-select ...

Score: 0
Sreejan Chattopadhyay avatar
How do I setup dual monitor setup in oracle virtualbox using ubuntu 20.0.4 LTS as a guest OS
bd flag

I have trying to setup dual monitor setup in my oracle virtualBox version 6.1.22. I have Windows 10 as my host OS and Ubuntu 20.0.4 LTS as my guest OS. I have enabled Monitor count to 2 in display setting of Virtual Machine settings as well as have given 128 MB Video Memory but with no success. I have tried with and without 3D accelaration but with no success. The enable option in View > Virtual Scre ...

Score: 0
Blizzard avatar
How do you use wget to install files that change urls
co flag

I run a Minecraft server, but when I am trying to make it so every time the server starts, it would look for updates for plugins etc.


wget -O EssentialsX.jar -P ~/Desktop/BlizzardMC/plugins

This link will only get the current build. Once they update the plugin, the link will change ...

Score: 2
Broken update and package mess: how do I remove old packages manually?
in flag

After a do-release-upgrade to switch from 16.04 to 18.04, something failed and machine was left in a "in between" state, with lots of broken dependencies issues. My package tree is a mess, I am desperate... ;-)

I tried lots of things (including dpkg --configure -a, randomly removing packages with dpkg --force depends -P <pkg-name>, plus other things), but I am kinda stuck at present.

So, when I ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.