Latest Ubuntu related questions

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Anonymous avatar
Wifi disconnects automatically on Ubuntu 20.04
ph flag

lshw -C network output - intel wireless device

My wifi disconnects automatically at certain intervals. Shows a question mark symbol over the wifi when it happens. After I restart my router the wifi works fine. But I don't know what is the issue with my laptop. I have Windows and Ubuntu installed. Is there a way to check the system configurations and check the issue? I'm new to Ubuntu.

Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz

Score: 0
Tauseef avatar
How to solve DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN for GCE running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
in flag

I'm facing DNS related Error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN with my GCE with my domain which was previously pointing to another instance in a different project on GCE.

Previous instance was deleted and DNS conflagration was still with the previous instance, we've changed DNS confugration and pointed to Static IP of New instance, its almost 4 days now but issue is not resolving.

What I have Tried ...

Score: 0
noam doron avatar
how i install several programs at one click
no flag

I want to install several software at one click I have all the installation packages on usb and i want to group the together because I need to install them on several laptops

any ideas??

The Sherriff.

Score: 0
umitkeskin avatar
Gnome/Ubuntu Software not Launching
cn flag

Gnome/Ubuntu Software is not launching by clicking on the icon on the dock, or the one on the application list. There are no errors. Even so,


launches Gnome/Ubuntu Software well. Could please tell me what might be wrong?

Score: 1
Mohamed Kamel avatar
How do you properly fix/prevent when Systemd Units fail when binding to none local IP host/port upon system startup?
vn flag

Say you have a fresh and modern Ubuntu system (say 20.04 LTS Server) installed on real hardware, and you need to deploy one or more network bound services, such as:

  • Nginx
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

In my experience, If you configure a service to bind to anything other than IPv4 or IPv6 [::] or to a local/loopback interface, this service will more likely than not fail and not recover upon system reboo ...

Score: 0
Dario Corrada avatar
SMART monitoring logs
cn flag

I have installed smartmontools and I wrote a script (scheduled in crontab) which periodically sends me a log on the health status of the disk. It performs a rapid test.

Apart from the airflow issue, which was reported to me only once, the rapid tests are always ok. Since I have no interest in keeping successful logs how could I delete all those Short captive Completed without error instead of acc ...

Score: 5
Andrew Mellor avatar
Highlight Diagonal Tears with Intel Graphics (Ubuntu 20.04)
in flag


Despite reinstalling everything I can think of I am having an issue with certain highlights tearing. This issue has been present for me in both GNOME and KDE.

It seems to appear consistently while using Firefox and KDE Plasma 5 desktop, however I have seen it happen in other applications (ex: Ubuntu Settings and Dolphin). It seems only to happen in certain programs: Slack, VS Code, Atom, Gim ...

Score: 1
Divyanshu Bansal avatar
Two Ubuntu software applications
cn flag

I have recently installed Ubuntu on my HP Pavilion dv6, dual boot with Windows 7. It had been working fine till today morning when the Ubuntu software wouldn't open and I looked online for solutions. I tried reinstalling the gnome-software/snap-software application and now I have Ubuntu Software and Software application. Out of the two only the Software one opens and I can navigate to find the various a ...

Score: 0
Harry avatar
Can't connect to my virtual Ubuntu Server via WebSocket on specified port from the host machine
ph flag

I have an Ubuntu Server (Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS) installed on Hyper-V with External interface, it has its own IP. I connect to it with Putty via SSH and it works.

On that machine I installed my own service that works as a WebSocket server listening on port 50000.

I tested it with a client working on the same VM, connecting to ws://localhost:50000/. It works.

Then I ran the same test client from my ho ...

Score: 1
eve avatar
Asus fan control not working, does not find Kernel module
fr flag


I have an Asus UX3410U laptop with ubuntu 18.04.1 (kernel 5.4.0-74-generic). Since a few days the fan control doesn't work anymore in ubuntu probably due to an update (it still works in bios). The fan works very hard and is noisy, but sensors show temperatures between (37-50°C). hardinfo shows that the 'asus-nb-wmi/fan1' does 25500RPM.

pwmconfig returns: /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-c ...

Score: 0
PlebeianDev avatar
Display settings are lost on boot after nvidia settings script is applied - Solved
cn flag

After applying the solution on, to solve my screen tearing issues on my external monitor, every time I boot, my display arrangement settings are lost (join displays goes to mirror, primary monitor selected goes to default).

I use a laptop that has and nvidia gtx 1650, but obviously used only to apply settings on external monitor via HDMI. I should inform that I have used t ...

Score: 1
Luciano Marti avatar
How can I set a specific provider for a source in Xorg
in flag

I have a fresh Ubuntu install with two GPUs (the integrated Vega GPU and a Radeon RX 570). My primary monitor is connected to my graphics card, and my secondary monitor on the left is connected to the integrated GPU. With this setup, I'm not able to use my secondary monitor, it remains blank.

The BIOS setup is okay, both GPUs are enabled, and my Windows OS is working fine.

So far, I came up with a t ...

Score: 0
Pallav Jha avatar
Non copy/paste public key based SSH authentication
cn flag

I want to remove the process of manually copying the public keys to each one of the servers for granting access.

The main problem that I'm trying to solve here is:

  • There are multiple servers across multiple cloud providers.
  • Whenever a new person joins the team we've to copy their public keys to all the servers so that they can log in.
  • This process is repetitive and cumbersome and I wanted to rem ...
Score: 0
Thaha Mohammed.T.M avatar
Ubuntu 18.04 with gstreamer dev version 1.19
mu flag

The default version of gstreamer is 1.14 , what i need to do is to use the gstreamer 1.19.

What i have tried :

  1. apt purge gstreamer issue : this will remove gdm3 the default display manager

  2. Cloned the gstreamer repo and builded it. Tested the gstreamer 1.19

  3. Installed back gdm3 apt install gdm3

After restart the ui doesn't start , it's a flashing screen. Not able to get to tty also. Let me know if i  ...

Score: 2
Tu Bui avatar
How can I add an existing user to an existing group id (not group name)?
cn flag

I want to add an existing user, foo, to an existing group, docker. The issue is that my machine has two groups with the same name docker, one with id 131 and the other 999. I want to add foo into the docker 999 group. The following command only adds foo into the 131 docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker foo

How can I add to the docker group with id 999 instead?

Update: after a further look, I rea ...

Score: 1
Desktop stuck in alt-tab mode
id flag

I don't know how I managed to do this but my desktop is stuck in the alt-tab application selector mode. Clicking on an application does nothing, it stays on the zoomed out view.

Any tips on how I can escape this?

Things I have tried so far.

  • Restarting computer, works initially then goes back to zoomed out mode when changing apps.

  • Restarting lightdm.

  • Using super+w and other common keyboard shortcut ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.