Latest Ubuntu related questions

Score: 0
raincouver avatar
default value of $TERM? vim is now broken
us flag

after installing ubuntu 20.04.2 on my laptop, i set up vim. i found this colorscheme that i like: colorscheme. the colours for syntax highlighting were correct, but it didn't have the beautiful blue background that i wanted:

upon quick research, i found many claims about how setting $TERM to xterm-256color fixed their problems with incorrect vim color rendering. i wasn't sure this would help because a ...

Score: 1
Erik Nieland avatar
Software Catalogue/Center Doesn't Open
sb flag

When I double click on the item "software catalogue/center" (the orange avatar) it seems he is searching, but nothing comes up. I just installed Ubuntu with the complete package but that didnt change it.

What to do?

Score: 2
Can't mount NFS share on Mac OS Big Sur shared from Ubuntu 21.04 - rpc.statd not running
cn flag

I have set up a NFS share on a Ubuntu 21.04 VM, which I want to mount on a Mac OS Big Sur client.

The share lists fine, when checked with showmount, but the mount fails:

andi@iMac-Pro Projects % showmount -e
Exports list on

andi@iMac-Pro Projects % sudo mount -t nfs 10.116 ...
Score: 0
Shutdown problem: mount has 'stop' job queued, but 'start' is included in transaction
us flag

In my journalctl, I see the following messages.

  • Requested transaction contradicts existing jobs
  • mount has 'stop' job queued, but 'start' is included in transaction

There seems to be issues unmounting these two partitions during shutdown:

  • /mnt/install (referred to as mnt-install in the log below)
  • /mnt/data (referred to as mnt-data in the log below)

How can I fix this, so the partitions are successfu ...

Score: 0
Dell Optiplex 740 and Ubuntu Mate
my flag

My Dell desktop let me load Ubuntu Studio 20.04 and Worked pretty well with few issues with the Display. I wanted to try the Ubuntu Mate 20.04 on it so I downloaded it and added it to grml rescue boot. Trying to boot on it, the video display is completely garbled.

Graphics: Device-1: NVIDIA C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] vendor: Dell driver: nouveau v: (booted in Mint 20.0)

CPU: Topology: Dual Core mo ...

Score: 0
Rizki Abdillah avatar
Print Notification to Text File if Website Back to UP using CURL or Bash
in flag

I'am sorry, i new in programming. I will a simple script. Current Condition, i already create script if status website 200 or 301, Website is UP. If status not 200/301 , website down. Now i success with my script. Now, i will create if website status besides 200/301 and back to 200/301, then print to text file status from down back to UP.

Anyone knows this script?


if curl -I "https://statussc ...

Score: 1
Abhi4mu avatar
My files system storage showing wrong data
cn flag

My file system is showing like this:

enter image description here

there the third row: /home is showing that I used 18.4EB, where it should be more like 18.4GB.

It is showing correctly in gparted, problem is with system-monitor.

Score: -1
user15907922 avatar
how to generate random number
us flag

I want to generate a few random numbers in the range 0-999 and store them in an array. This is my code:

void randnum(int number)
    int i;
    int num;
    int arr[11];
    printf("%d", number);
    for (i = 0; i < number; i++) 
        num = rand() % 999;
        printf("%d \n", arr[i]);

The output is:

6478 664 153 268  ...
Score: 1
Alan Roy S18 avatar
Cheated by a friend using remote login
in flag

Me and my flatmate connect over the same network. Recently, I brought a new PC. Since I didn't want to spend money on Windows, I installed Ubuntu 20.04 on it.

Since my friend knew way more about Ubuntu than compared to me, for a joke, he set the sudo password and logged me in as another user. Since I did not know much, I accepted what he did.

Now that I started learning Ubuntu, I found that he wa ...

Score: 0
donikonf avatar
I want NTFS partition to be mounted from file manager as RO access
fr flag

I'm using Dolphin file manager on Ubuntu 20.04 (with dual boot Windows 10). My Windows NTFS partitions showed up on devices panel on Dolphin and clicking any of the partitions will result in mounting with RW access, which is not what I want.

How do I change the mounting as RO as default?

Score: 2
Walter  avatar
Booting Ubuntu 20.04 on Intel CPU causes reboot
ar flag

I just bought a new setup

MB: ASUS Prime B460-PLUS LGA 1200 (Intel 10th Gen) ATX Motherboard

CPU: Intel Core i5-10600K

Installing a fresh copy of Ubuntu 20.04. Using the onboard VGA.

The computer consistently reboots in normal graphics mode. I can only run in safe graphics mode.

I installed the mesa drivers.

Score: 0
NotAlter avatar
How do i install back windows but keep ubuntu
il flag

So basically i don't know nothing about coding and my friend told me to install Ubuntu and i let him (cause i trust him) he used a USB and installed Ubuntu he did tell me he was gonna delete my data stuff (documents and stuff) but he accidentally somehow deleted windows in the process the whole thing i think i have seen a lot that i have an option to choose between Ubuntu and windows when i boot up my p ...

Score: 0
hanugm avatar
How can I proceed if it is impossible to delete a (snap) readonly directory?
cn flag

I want to execute a similar command to the following command from this post

sudo rmdir /usr/share/ghostscript/9.25/iccprofiles

The actual command is

sudo rmdir /snap/gimp/367/usr/share/ghostscript/9.50/iccprofiles

When I execute the following command, I am encountering the following error:

rmdir: failed to remove '/snap/gimp/367/usr/share/ghostscript/9.50/iccprofiles': Read-only file system

How to d ...

Score: 0
William________thatsAll avatar
What is the most compatible ubuntu version with nvidia gpus?
nl flag

I understand the question is a little bit weird but I need your help.

What is the most compatible ubuntu version with nvidia gpus?


Score: 3
Dylan Prater avatar
Ubuntu Software not opening?
mx flag

I'm new to Ubuntu/Linux. When I try to open Ubuntu Software it shows it's loading, but after a few seconds it stops and nothing happens. When I run snap-store in the terminal it says:

/snap/snap-store/518/usr/bin/snap-store: symbol lookup error:
undefined symbol: atk_plug_set_child"
Score: 0
Sun Bear avatar
gnome-control-center can't start bluetooth-services. how to fix it?
cn flag

In Ubuntu 18.04 gnome-control-center, I can't start bluetooth service despite having toggled the "Start Toggle" widget. This was not the case previously. Also, I noticed that whenever I powered-up/start the system, the bluetooth service isn't started up.

$ gnome-control-center --version
gnome-control-center 3.28.2

$ sudo systemctl status bluetooth.service 
● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.