Latest Server related questions

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Tatonka avatar
Broadcom storcli64 - add unconfigured good disk as hotspare
ae flag

as a disclaimer, I am not particularly well versed with storcli so please bare with me.

I have an existing RAID configuration that I took over from a colleague who since left. One disk failed and I have managed to bring it back online and successfully removed the foreign status.

Drive Information :

EID:Slt DID State DG     Size Intf Med  ...
Score: 0
Eric W avatar
SELinux policys keeping Tomcat from starting
br flag

On a newly built Oracle Linux 8 server i added a drive and file system, then put put Apache Tomcat on that file system via the tarball. Now when starting Tomcat via a services file, I get an error saying Tomcat has not started, and my journalctl file shows the following:

Apr 04 09:53:17 t-einv systemd[1]: Failed to start Apache Tomcat Web Application Container. -- Subject: Unit tomcat.service has failed - ...

Score: 1
Omera avatar
nginx mirror directive not working
br flag

I am trying to mirror a request that coming to one of our services, nginx is acting as the web server. I've used the mirror directive to proxy the requests to an AWS ALB, but it seems that nginx is not copying the request to the ALB.

server {
listen       80;
server_name  service-01.example;
root         /srv/www/apps/service-01/public;

location / {
    mirror /mirror;
    try_files $uri @app;
Score: 2
inframan avatar
How to parse and filter on dict values on Ansible?
cn flag

I'm currently working on a playbook to create a K8s cluster on Nutanix Prism Central. Everything run smoothly but i face an issue while a VLAN exists on one or more clusters.

In my case, a VLAN is represented by its name but also its UUID (this one can be retrived into metadata on every index inside entities[]).

As a VLAN may exists many times (cause it's configured on different clusters) it means  ...

Score: 0
farshid.chegini avatar
pm2 crash after this command pm2 restart all
am flag

I have a nodejs app sometimes I want to restart the app . but when I write "pm2 restart all" pm2 crached and pm2's list is removed. also I've written a cron-start into pm2 beacuse the app will slow after a few hours and server's memory is full, that's why I've written cron-start and Do you Know about this problem?

Score: 0
Manojit Das avatar
squid proxy random IP time change
cg flag

I have included two IP addresses in squid with random TCP outgoing addresses but I need them as one IP will be active for 15 minutes and the other one will be active for 15 minutes and this will repeat.

How can I achieve this?

Score: 0
Filter types on Network Error Login (NEL) reports
mw flag

I have implemented (NEL) Network Error Login with this headers:

nel: {"report_to":"default","max_age":3600,"failure_fraction":0.5}
report-to: {"group":"default","max_age":3600,"endpoints": 

But getting all type of errors are overloading the quota for the service. As the documentation points there are the following ones by default:

dns.name_not_reso ...
Score: 0
HAProxy backend with different path prefix per server
et flag

Is it possible to configure an HAProxy backend with multiple servers and different path prefix for each server? I want something like this:

backend mybackend
    server node1[path]
    server node2[path]

However the server directive does not support specifying a path, only a host and port. ...

Score: 0
chris_cm avatar
How can I verify if file uploads are compressed?
fk flag

I need to upload big files to a server (Debian 4.19, Apache 2.4, PHP) and want to make sure that compression is applied for the transport. Data is compressed from the server to clients but I cannot figure out how to check if also uploaded files are compressed (or if that is possible at all).

Request headers show that gzip and deflate are accepted (I removed cookie infos):

POST /process HTTP/1.1
Accept ...
Score: 0
Sha avatar
How to avoid duplicate entries in DNS Bind cache db file?
bv flag

While running command "rndc dumpdb -cache" it has huge amount of data some duplicate entries like one domain has multiple entries with same target but different TTL, how to reduce like update only requires those parts which are new or haven been changed from the previous state.

Basically exporting output file to Prometheus.

Score: 0
Francois Coulloudon avatar
How to return 204 with Nginx Ingress K8S
gf flag

Is it possible to configure Nginx Ingress to return 204 on a given path?

In Nginx, it would look like this:

location / { return 204; }

Thank you!

Score: 4
th0masrad avatar
Debian: Where does a bridge interface store its MAC address and how can I change it?
gi flag

I have reinstalled a computer and since I need several similar computers, I duplicated the hard disk with dd. On the target systems I have adjusted /etc/hosts, /etc/hostname and /etc/network/interfaces.d/* accordingly.

So I got different machines with different host names and different IP addresses.

But while the hardware interfaces also have different MAC addresses, the bridge interface has the same ...

Score: 1
Zippy1970 avatar
Backup drive on Linux system keeps getting corrupt. How to troubleshoot?
cn flag

My webserver (Debian BullsEye) has an internal 2TB harddrive which sole purpose is to hold a backup of the server's main HD. Every day a cronjob is started that creates a backup using rsync. But every few days, the backup drive gets corrupted and backups fail. Doing an fsck gives me tons of errors like

Entry 'de_language_import.lng' in /backup.2/backup.1/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/admin/lib/ ...
Score: 0
stefano errani avatar 401 Unauthorized when I try to create a google people contact
tj flag

Good day.

I'm developing a java servlet that allow to add or update a contact on Google Contact. I've created a Google application having Google People service active. Before to use the Google People service I made a Google connection ( including between other parameters the scope (openid%20email) and the clientid created in the Google application. Get the  ...

Score: 0
Rate limit specific PHP endpoints when running Nginx with php-fpm
in flag

Like many apps, I have some endpoints that are more sensitive than others, such as login & password reset, and need rate limiting. However, nginx handles all requests for PHP resources through a standard location handler that proxies PHP-FPM:

  location ~ \.php$ {
    try_files $uri =404;
    fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)$;
    include fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_index index.php;
Score: 0
J B avatar
Zabbix v6.4 create "Event" for unmatched SNMP traps
cn flag

I'm trying to create a generic Event (called Problem in zabbix) from any unmatched SNMP trap received for any device, which will basically consist only from host IP a some text like "unknown trap" or even the full text of a trap as its received by FallBack.

Zabbix creates reports only from Problems and I would like to see if there were any unmatched traps in it. I can then need manually configure ...

Score: 0
Surya H avatar
EC2 instance Status Check failed and server stopped working
in flag

I am using an AWS EC2 instance (t3.xlarge) running on Ubuntu server 18.04.6 LTS, which was working fine. But suddenly I encountered an error where the instance status check failed "Instance reachability check failed" and I was not able to connect to my instance through ssh and the website attached to this server also stopped working. I don't see any storage or Ram issue during this time.

I had to force ...

Score: 1
nickcrv06 avatar
How to troubleshoot LACP flapping interface triggered by layer 3 IP Address. (Juniper)
mo flag

I am currently working on solving a network issue that has led to network outages across my organization. (I have included a picture of our simple topology below). Our network consists of a Router/Firewall [SRX340], 2x Access Switches [EX-2300], and 1x Top-of-Rack Switch (ToR) [EX2300].

(Sorry I could't post the image directly to the post as I do not have the enough reputation to do so, but you can fin ...

Score: 0
ปลาวาฬทราย RMutt cpe ix avatar
Not automount volume after GlusterFS client booting up by autofs

I have configured GlusterFS between 3 rocky servers and mounting the gluster volume under /srv/gluster/vol01 directory. I had to install glusterfs-client in the 4th machine. My primary objective was to get the 3 servers replicated. Currently I am using autofs, but it doesn't mount the volume when client booting up. The auto.master & what I did as below. How should i do?


/media /etc/au ...
Score: 0
cryptoparty avatar
Error checking external CA condition for ca certificate authority
in flag

Not sure how to solve the problem with the certificates, maybe someone has encountered this problem?


uname -a
Linux node2 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 17:23:54 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


 cat /etc/os-release
NAME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="7 (Core)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"
CPE_NAME="cp ...
Score: 0
JLG avatar
macOS 13.3 update breaks home directories on external drives
cn flag

Something in the macOS 13.3 update prevents users with home directories on external drives (and probably network drives too, though not tested) from logging in.

Score: 0
LinServFaulter avatar
Nagios core GUI/UI fails to open after nagios-4.4.6-4 to 4.4.9-1 update on Rhel8
ph flag

Nagios core GUI/UI fails to open after nagios-4.4.6-4 to 4.4.9-1 update on Rhel8 vm.

Whoops! Error: Could not read host and service status information!

Nothing in /var/log/nagios/nagios.log.

/sbin/nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg doesn't report any errors.

Score: 0
Simplest way to tell if two logical drives on the same device?
us flag

What is the simplest way to determine whether 2 logical drives are on the same device?

I have access to remote into the server, but the hosting company isn't reasonably accessible for me to ask the question directly. One method would be to see whether operations run on each drive simultaneously negatively impacts the other. But is there some way to determine more simply just by looking at some de ...

Score: 0
sardean avatar
Understanding Samba VFS Operations for Full Audit
jp flag

We have a TrueNAS System running TrueNAS-12.0-U8 for which we are required to log all successful and all failed file access attempts for a specific SMB share. The Samba version is 4.13.

Per guidance from the vendor, I've included the below in the auxiliary parameters for the share with the logging requirements. This appears to satisfy my requirement based on my testing.

vfs objects = full_audit streams_x ...
Score: 2
Tedpac avatar
Why is Linux policy-based routing (PBR) not working for ping?
ao flag

First of all, it seems as if this question is about Linux, but it seems to me that it is about basic routing concepts.

I happen to have the following configuration:

enter image description here

What I am trying to do is to ensure symmetric routing on the server (CentOS 7), so that incoming and outgoing traffic from it takes the same path for any pair of nodes (using both network interfaces).

Suppose I set the static IP address

Score: 0
merlin2011 avatar
Is it possible to set env vars for containerd?
vn flag

I am currently trying to switch my K8 nodes from using dockerd to containerd. For environment-specific reasons, I ned to specify http_proxy.

In the dockerd world, I can specify environment variables by using the following steps.

  1. Putting lines such as the following into /etc/environment-systemd:
  1. Adding the following line to /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.servi ...
Score: 0
Serving 2 different websites from the same IIS server on the same port
br flag

I have 2 different websites:


I want to be able to serve both of these websites from the same webserver (same IP) and same port number.

I have followed this document, and created the following websites:

enter image description here

This is how the binding for looks like:

enter image description here

And this is how the binding for looks like:

enter image description here

Note that the only way I could define 2 sites using the sam ...

Score: 1
cssyphus avatar script to include the webmail subdomain on a shared (Namecheap) server
in flag

For a long time I have used to create 90-day SSL certs for my domain. Never had a problem.

However, I now wish to start using the webmail interface ( - included with hosting), but the usual script fails.

This works:

./ --issue -d -d -w /home/myuserid/public_html

This fails:

./ --issue -d -d www.example. ...
Score: 0
Argyle avatar
Docker stuck in "rootless" mode on Rocky 9 (RHEL9)
in flag

I tried setting up podman in rootless mode on Rocky Linux 9, but after running into a number of issues I uninstalled everything and just went back to Docker. I'm using a number of hosts all provisioned the same way, as Jenkins build nodes. When I run docker run hello-world as the jenkins user on and of these hosts, it works without issue. However, when I run from Jenkins, they immediately fail wit ...

Score: 0
john avatar
macOS DNS resolve issue in internal network with Bind9 as DNS service
pr flag

I'm using Bind9 as a DNS service to resolve some domain names internally. The topology is simple, with one router for all internal computers, and all computers using an internal DNS to resolve both internal and external domain names.

Let's say we have a domain name "", which has a public A record handled by a service provider like GoDaddy and is assigned to a public IP address, while my ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.