Latest Ubuntu related questions

Score: 1
Gobs avatar
Remove black edges / borders (underscan) from monitor and fix bluriness on Ubuntu 20.04
cn flag

Title is self explanatory, and the blurriness is actually due to the underscan. I'm just posting this so I can answer it myself, since I struggled with this for ages.

Score: 0
Akhilesh avatar
Updating command is not giving desired output (Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS)
tf flag

I am getting the following result, Please help me resolve this.

Ak@escanor:~$ sudo apt-get update
[sudo] password for akhilesh21: 
Score: 0
Lucas Flaquer avatar
Files not loading properly when opening from an app'
cn flag

files are not loading correctly on ubuntu 20.04 when opening some apps that require to use the files directory

files opened from bekeper (database app)

Score: 1
How to configure Lenovo's ActivePen buttons in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS?
fr flag

i have a Lenovo Yoga 520 and the stylus pen Lenovo Active Pen for the notebook's touchscreen. Everything is working fine, but i can't configure the stylus in Krita, nor in the confs. I can't seem to be able to install Lenovo's drivers to configure it. Does anyone know how to configure the device's buttons ?

Score: 0
hamilton.julius avatar
How do I launch an application in a specific virtual desktop with xfwm4?
pk flag

I am using Ubuntu with xcfe.

I would like to launch an application - for example, Chromium - in one of the specific virtual desktops offered in xfwm4, with a terminal command.

What command would allow me to do this?

Score: 0
William________thatsAll avatar
Installing ubuntu 18.04 without turning off the RST
nl flag

laptop={gpu: NVIDA RTX 3060, CPU: i7, RAM: 32GB, EFI, RST: enabled}

I have the RST enabled on my lap-top and already know how to safely change it to AHCI but I don't want to do that! Mainly because it works flawlessly with RST! It boots up in less than 3 seconds! It chews up the hardest visual and performance tasks! And when I turn RST off, I see how it degrades the performance!

In spite off all of  ...

Score: 1
Steve avatar
How can I adjust the font size, color, boldness, etc. of the clock and date on the 20.04 lock screen?
us flag

I want to know how to adjust the font size, color, boldness, etc. of the clock and date on the 20.04 lock screen...

Score: 3
Prima avatar
Middle mouse button pastes even after scrolling with TrackPoint (on Lenovo Wireless TrackPoint Keyboard II)
uy flag

I have a Thinkpad X250 running Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon (5.4.0-74-generic).
I recently bought a Lenovo Thinkpad Trackpoint Wireless II keyboard, and I'm positively surprised by how well everything works when using the Bluetooth connection. (there's also an alternative proprietary USB-Dongle that came with it).

I was used to use the middle mouse button ("button 2") as copy/paste (X "primary") and to scro ...

Score: 0
the house avatar
Boost saturation Intel HD Graphics
ru flag

I have a terrible 1366 x 768 display on my laptop, so by default the colors are very washed out. In Windows there is a "Intel Graphics Control Panel" where I can edit the contrast, brightness and saturation but there is nothing like this in Ubuntu. I even went through the effort of doing a complete install of Windows 10 in attempt to export a color profile from Windows into Linux, but I tested it in  ...

Score: 0
EnderTails avatar
trying to install Ubuntu on my pc but stuck at trial with the error XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not owned by us (uid 0) but by (uid 999)
ca flag

need help, first time trying linux and it looks prefect for me but i cant install it because of this stupid error, can you guys help me please, i am super desperate for help.

shows this when it stops doing things XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not owned by us (uid 0) but by (uid 999)

(and no, the other post was a little confusing to me and didnt know what it meant)

Score: 0
Thalia Mitford avatar
External HD Ubuntu on old PC
de flag

I'm trying to get my old HP pc to boot my external HD Ubuntu install.

External HD Partition Table

The PC boots in BIOS.

Can anyone see any obvious problems with how I have this partition table setup?

It's a PC from around 2006. The internal HD currently runs Lubuntu.

Ideally I would love to have an Ubuntu install on my external drive that works with modern computers as well as this old one.

There are a lot of tutorials relat ...

Score: 0
Chuong Nguyen avatar
Ubuntu 18.04 Stuck on hardware manufacturer splash screen
in flag

So after choosing Ubuntu (18.04) from GRUB menu. i'm forever stuck on "ASUS in search of incredible" screen and I could not find the solution.

So i would love to have some suggestions. Thank you so much!


Score: 0
what does -display UNCLAIMED mean in response to sudo lshw -c video
tr flag

I'm having problems with my dual display since moving to 21.04

The additional drivers tab shows nothing.

I've got the correct NVIDIA driver installed.

sudo lshw -c video
[sudo] password for mark: 
  *-display UNCLAIMED       
       description: VGA compatible controller
       product: G84GLM [Quadro FX 1600M]
       vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
       physical id: 0
       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0
Score: 0
Armin Seimel avatar
pulseaudio virtual output recognizable by streaming software (roon)
br flag

I am working on a little project where I want an to use an old laptop running ubuntu as an active crossover and roon server with my Motu M4 audio interface as output. For the crossover I use the great tool PaXoR. After designing the crossover it produces a virtual output PaXoverRack.input (sounds wrong but the input for the DSP has to be selected as the system output) and technically that works gre ...

Score: 0
rainyday avatar
Dim external monitor light below minimum
vn flag

Is there any solution to decrease backlight below minimum on external monitor ? When I was using Mac there was this app called Quickshade which draws overlay and lowers brightness. If I could find something like that it would be awesome.

Score: 1
ait-izana smail avatar
i've got some issues with the installed Python 3.8.5 , whenever i try to import a package it shows an error which says : No module named '.....'
ru flag
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'matplotlib'

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.