Latest Ubuntu related questions

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Caio avatar
How to change between Hiragana and Katakana using a shortcut on mozc?
cn flag

i tried a lot of stuff, then i got it to switch from hiragana to katakana using shift + space, but it wouldn't change back, then i tried another thing, now i can switch from katakana to hiragana but i can't vice-versa, i need help, since switching between it is getting quite annoying, i tried looking on the internet, but they didn't work, i also asked on r/learnjapanese put the post got removed and i ca ...

Score: 0
Kai Lawson Baker avatar
I am using krb5-kdc and I'm getting this error when I start it
pm flag

I am using krb5-kdc and I'm getting this error when I start it: Can not fetch master key (error: No such file or directory). - while fetching master key K/M for realm ALLTYPESOFCONTENT.COM. krb5kdc: cannot initialize realm ALLTYPESOFCONTENT.COM - see log file for details. What do I do?

Score: 0
Matheus Cardoso avatar
Ubuntu 18 no audio after new mobo
us flag

I've changed my motherboard to a new one (ASUS TUF GAMING B550M PLUS) and I had two problems:
1 - No ethernet
2 - No audio
I've upgraded the kernel version and ethernet now works, but audio still does not. What can I do?
I need to stay with Ubuntu 18.04 unfortunately

Score: 0
DoomRider avatar
Illegal instruction (core dumped) error while building Android 11
cn flag

For a quiet some time I'm trying to build Android 11 for Sony Xperia XZ2 H8266. Everytime process comes to build org.apache.http.legacy package it gets an error.

[ 99% 263/264] //external/apache-http:org.apache.http.legacy dexpreopt [common]
FAILED: out/soong/.intermediates/external/apache-http/org.apache.http.legacy/and
ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="*:e" out/soong/host/linux ...
Score: 0
fcon avatar
Custom "libinput Accel Speed" value in Kubuntu preferences
in flag

I've recently installed Kubuntu and I've been enjoying it so far, apart from the fact that the mouse sensitivity is only controllable by a slider. I've been using xinput commands to get my desired mouse speed, which works, but it resets to the value in KDE options every time I lock my computer. Where would I find the configuration files relating to this so I can change it and not have to worry about it  ...

Score: 1
Can't install HP printer on Ubuntu 20.04
us flag

When I use hp-setup to configure my printer HP-2546 on the wireless option, I click next, select the printer and next again, then the following error message arise:

Please check the USB connection to your printer and try again. (Device I/O error)

How to solve it?

Score: 0
Tmanok avatar
20.04 Gnome X2Go Artifacting
lk flag

I'm wondering how to reduce the number of artifacts/glitches in X2go. For example, I often see icons on the desktop appear through the current window (e.g. fullscreen or full windowed Firefox). Are there particular connection settings or additional packages that might improve X2Go "quality" in this regard?

Server: Ubunutu 20.04 Packages:

libx2go-config-perl/focal,focal,now all [installed,aut ...
Score: 0
logicito avatar
Error while logging in using IR camera (Howdy)
cn flag

I am using 21.04 and kernel 5.13.12 (because I have an OLED screen that 5.11 (default) doesn't manage the brightnes), I installed Howdy and IR login/sudo are working ok, with some exceptions, sometimes when I am login in I get are error and I have to enter the password, I checked the log just after and there is this message, any idea what it could be, so I can try to fix it:

enter image description here

Score: 0
Tabeeb Wasit avatar
How to remove Ubuntu and get Windows back on?
ao flag

I have absolutely no experience with Linux, and I desperately need to get my computer back up and running again with Windows.

How do I remove Ubuntu and reinstall Windows?

Score: 2
Cagri avatar
Ubuntu 20.04.2 File manager doesn't show some files
cn flag

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04.2. I'm editing some files from a CLI script that uses exiftool. It renames and changes some exif data of file. Sometimes, after script finishes, when I go into that folder on file manager that file won't show up and the folder loads forever. When I go to parent directory and come back, the file is there, everything is fine.

enter image description here

Any ideas on troubleshooting it further?
Thanks! ...

Score: 0
Bryan Holman avatar
Mounting new HDD
hm flag

I have searched and found a lot of things so I may have screwed up trying it all.

What I want to do should be easy, but I am new to Ubuntu and how it works.

I installed a 14tb drive in my machine. I went through and thought I had partitioned it and mounted the drive with /media/music as the mount point.

In /etc/fstab, I added the line as below: fstab

when I reboot, the initial screen says local is onl ...

Score: 0
memmott avatar
Very high nonstop write activity in new USB disk
in flag

I've installed a PCIe card to get USB 3 support, and have connected a 16TB SATA disk, which I've formatted in XFS. Initially I had very good read/write performance, but after a couple hours the performance has slowed down tremendously. Looking at atop I see that the disk is 100% busy with nonstop writes and has a latency of 6ms.

Running iotop, the only thing writing to this disk seems to be a kwo ...

Score: 2
sfwalter avatar
How Do I change the Environmental Variables for OpenMPI?
cn flag

I have Ubuntu 20.04 installed and need to install OpenMPI 3.1.6 with gcc 8.4.0.

I downloaded the tar ball from OpenMPI and installed it with the following command

tar-xzf openmpi-3.1.6.tar.gz && cd openmpi-3.1.6
PARGS="env CC=/usr/bin/gcc FC=/usr/bin/gfortran CXX=/usr/bin/g++"
ARGS=" --enable-shared --enable-mpi-fortran=usempi"
ARGS+=" --enable-mpi-thread-multiple"
ARGS+=" --prefix=/openmpi/3. ...
Score: 1
Matheus Cardoso avatar
Install Ubuntu 18.04 with latest kernel
us flag

After changing some PC pieces (most importantly MOBO), my Ubuntu started not working correctly e.g. no ethernet. After updating the Kernel to the latest one, the ethernet worked again but audio are still an issue. I would like to reinstall Ubuntu 18.04 just to try again fresh, but I already have problems because the ISO Kernel is outdated for my MOBO (ASUS TUF GAMING B550M PLUS).

Is there a way t ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.