Latest Ubuntu related questions

Score: 1
OSH avatar
UADE complilin. Make produces fatal error: glib.h no such file or directory
us flag

Well. I'm trying to compile UADE. I downloaded sources, go int directory and then ./configure. After this I see this:

Data directory                          : /usr/local/share/uade2
Uadecore directory                      : /usr/local/lib/uade2
Man (documentation) directory           : /usr/local/share/man/man1
Installer                               : /usr/bin/install
Make                         ...
Score: 0
H Salka avatar
Ubuntu 5.11.0-25 WI-FI and Bluetooth no WI-FI adapter found and no Bluetooth found
ca flag

After a reboot following an update, the WI-FI and Bluetooth stopped working. The setting shows that it cannot find the adapter eventhough same desktop works fine on Windows via a dual-boot. I have MSI MEG X570 ACE with Intel AX200 built-in.

When I restart and pick Advanced options from the menu, If I pick 5.11.0-25 or 5.11.0-22 (generic or recovery) - still WI-FI and bluetooth do not show up. If  ...

Score: 0
RaeedDoesGaming avatar
OpenBSD Error Code 1 After Restarting Server
co flag

This is what errors are coming up when checking status of the service. enter image description here

When I go to check the debug logs this is what I see enter image description here

I tried running ssh-keygen -A but it did not do anything.

Score: 0
Laptop internal microphone not working, after plugging HDMI
co flag

My laptop internal microphone does not work anymore, after plugging HDMI for the first time.

I just bought a new Dell Precision 5760, shipped with Ubuntu 20.04. I installed a few things, including Zoom, and I actually made calls successfully.

But now the microphone does not work anymore. If I open Ubuntu settings and go to the "Sound" panel, the "Input" meter does not react to sound as it did befo ...

Score: 1
Hristos avatar
Ubuntu won't boot properly
co flag

Sometime in July, my computer stopped booting into Ubuntu. I found out that i could boot using the "Advanced Options for Ubuntu" but then the first option stopped working and i had to use the second and that went on until at some point i lost the ability to boot into Ubuntu altogether.

Later, i found i could boot using one of the recovery mode options (the second to last one) so i booted and chan ...

Score: 0
OttoEisen avatar
20.04, netplan: no reverse lookups with traceroute
cn flag

I'm running an Ubuntu 20.04 server and if I do a traceroute to a server in my DMZ or the internet, I only see IPs.
But if I do an nslookup for those IPs I get hostnames, but it says that Authoritative answers can be found from: and then nothing. Even though /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml points to the proper, authoritative, servers.

What am I doing wrong here?

Edit: I just noticed that tra ...

Score: 0
user10736820 avatar
Using unified Emoji in Ubuntu 20.04 Gnome
cn flag

There are many styles of Emoji on Ubuntu 20.04, sometimes black and white, sometimes color, and Twitter's Emoji on Firefox It looks very fragmented If I want a unified Emoji, how do I set it

Score: 0
A L avatar
gcc-10 (10.3.0) does not handle anonymous struct correctly?
br flag
$ gcc-10 --version
gcc-10 (Ubuntu 10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.3.0

$ cat test.c
struct A {
    int a;

struct B {
    int b;
    struct A;

int main(void)
    struct B c;
    c.a = 0;
    c.b = 1;
    return 0;

$ gcc-10 test.c
test.c:7:13: warning: declaration does not declare anything
    7 |     struct A;
      |             ^
test.c: In function ‘main’:
test.c:13:6: error: ‘struct B’ h ...
Score: 0
activation of network connection failed for ethernet, ubuntu 20.04, dual boot with Windows 10
vn flag

I have seen other posts that are similar to my situation but I think I am really confused at to why I get network connection failed.

I have a dual boot, Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10.

I do not have any problems so far.

I did not install anything new but yesterday Ubuntu started to give me the Network Connection failed prompt.

I had disabled fast boot even before the installation of Ubuntu. I have tried rebo ...

Score: 0
itsnotthatbad avatar
Top row of pixels flicker magenta on any version after 20.04.2 LTS
lk flag

(For specs please see below)

Hi, I dualboot Ubuntu and Windows 10 on my laptop. I installed Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS from a live USB and I was using it for quite a while without any problems.

My frustration-less relationship with Ubuntu ended suddenly after an update. (As for which update please see below) As seen in the video, the top row of pixels flicker constantly. I should also note that the intensity of f ...

Score: 0
Multiple Display Problem when one is off
cn flag

I have 3 monitors (two of them are 4K TVs) connected to a desktop pc.

I don't need one of the TVs all the time, so I keep it off from time to time. If I turn on the computer while that TV is off; Ubuntu makes it the primary display, and every window I open ends up in that screen. I have to turn on that TV, move all the windows to another display, open display settings, pick the other tv as primar ...

Score: 1
Belushi avatar
How to prevent (or delay) wifi / ethernet sleep before suspend?
cn flag

I have a specific problem. I would like to auto-unmount a samba (cifs) share before suspend or shutdown my computer. So I created a script in /lib/systemd/system-sleep to be able to do this.


case $1/$2 in

        if mountpoint -q /path/to/share  # if share is mounted 
            umount /path/to/share  # unmount
            exit 0  # otherwise do nothin ...
Score: 0
Newbie avatar
Excessive video buffering on a minimal laptop running Ubuntu 18.04
pt flag

I have a Dell Latitude E7240 on which I installed Ubuntu 18.04. It has 8Gb RAM and a 16Gb mSATA SSD which is 2/3rds full with the OS. My problem is too much video buffering, which may be due to a fixed video memory of 64Mb in an older BIOS A18. I was thinking about upgrading to A27, but the Dell website has only instructions for Windows .exe files, and some webpages here in Ask Ubuntu are obsolete. Can  ...

Score: 2
Joel Holmes avatar
CA Certificates Not Recognized
ru flag

I've been trying to get CA Certs installed because I'm getting errors when trying to use rosdep init which makes calls to "". If I do the same call with wget I'll get the same error:

ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by ‘CN=DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA,,O=DigiCert Inc,C=US’:
  Unable to locally verify the issue ...
Score: 1
Blank unmet depenicies box
ie flag

i am running the most recent version of Ubuntu on a RPi 4 with 4 gb of ram. when i try to install GZDoom using the official Ubuntu build it comes up with the pop-up saying "Unable to install GZDoom: The following packages have unmet dependencies:" i have allready tried installing -f, and that did not fix the problem. edit: i am using vershion 21.04

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.