Score: 0
Gautam avatar
Recover network connection from ubuntu 22.04 console after crash
us flag

my perfectly operational ubuntu machine with nvidia GTX 1650 crashed when I tried sudo apt-get remove python3

Now it boots directly into terminal. When I run startx it shows a graphical window with message oh no something went wrong and logout button. clicking the button brings me back to terminal.

ping results in temporary problem in name resolution and cant find the domain.

running ifco ...

Score: 0
linux_noob7 avatar
Moving Empty snap/zig Directory to a Location Outside of Home Directory on Pop!_OS
va flag

Is there a way to move this snap directory outside of the Home directory?

The snap directory and all of its children are completely empty, there are no files or hidden files.


└── zig ├── 8241 ├── common └── current -> 8241

4 directories, 0 files

I have tried deleting it, but the folder will regenerate when I open VSCode. I am almost certain it is related to the zi ...

Score: 0
Abdelrahman Elhosiny avatar
Change display number from 2 to 1
pf flag

I am using some extensions that are using Main.layoutManager to identify the monitor number, but my primary monitor is monitor number 2, this makes everything work on my secondary monitor rather than my primary one.

How can I change the numbering of my primary monitor form number 2 to 1 so that I can use both monitors at the same time without the need to disconnect my secondary monitor ?

I am using  ...

Score: -1
GinGoo avatar
The WinServer 2012 can remote accessed by Adminstrators Group account only
td flag

System:Windows server 2012 r2 I make a shared folder and set permissions full control But I can only access it by Adminstrators Group account only,others account cannot,why? What should I do? the open folder information:\ is not might not have permission to use this network resource.Contact the administrator of this server to find out if ou have access permissions. The user ...

Score: 0
scribbler avatar
Auromatically Launching Firefox To Run An HTML File
na flag

My son has developed a game in HTML that he wants to put on Steam. For Windows he has a batch file to open the browser, then run the HTML to launch the game.

He wants to do the same for Linux, but he's brand new to the OS and it's beyond my ability (I can only manage the basics in Linux).

How could he go about doing this? Any help would be really appreciated.

Score: 0
gatorback avatar
How to mount Samba without root access?
in flag

I created a directory /home/user/NAS_mount (permission = 777) to mount a SAMBA share.

sudo mount -t cifs //192.168.X.XXX/home -o credentials=/home/user/credential.txt /home/user/NAS_mount

Attempts to write to the share have failed: possibly because of mounting as root. Mount attempts without sudo returns:

mount: only root can use "--options" option

It seems unreasonable that user can not mount a  ...

Score: 0
SilianRail avatar
How to setup Multipass VM on Mac and integrate with Vscode to run Linux virtually
de flag

I recently mailed my TA on how to setup Linux on a Mac for a Computer Systems course to which I received the steps highlighted below- (I am stuck in the 6th and 7th step) I have some idea of what is happening like Multipass is used to create a virtual machine that runs on a server and there's no GUI. Also, I understand that ssh will be used to login into the VM. But, I don't understand why do I have  ...

Score: 0
user2583872 avatar
Sound file referenced in the wrong directory when using camera resources
us flag

When creating a program with a Camera, be through qml or directly with C++ code, the sound files are referenced to an ubports directory instead of the lomiri real one inside the Ubuntu Touch phone.

I suppose that it must be fixed somewhere in the libraries or tools used, as it is not possible to change the Read-Only file system in the phone to create, at least, a dynamic link.

lomiri::MediaHub::DBusUt ...
Score: 1
gatorback avatar
Diagnosing / Troubleshooting SMB mount
in flag

Ubuntu 22.04: A Synology NAS SMB mount tested good with a Mac. A list of Samba share returned by MacOS Finder:

enter image description here

I would like to mount the SMB share:

sudo mount -t cifs // -o username=****,password=****** /home/user/NAS_mount

however, an error is returned:

mount error(13): Permission denied

What is the starting point / questions / diagnostic to understand / resolve the error?

Score: 0
How can I fix my vulkan, why does my vulkaninfo fail?
in flag

If I run vulkaninfo I get a seg fault (though I can't find the core dump):

$ vulkaninfo 
WARNING: [Loader Message] Code 0 : loader_scanned_icd_add: Driver /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ supports Vulkan 1.3, but only supports loader interface version 4. Interface version 5 or newer required to support this version of Vulkan (Policy #LDP_DRIVER_7)
WARNING: [Loader Message] Code 0 : terminato ...
Score: 0
PhononAnon avatar
Deleted my Wired Connection and now my Ethernet Controller has no logical name, and my ethernet port is dead
qa flag

I was trying to set up a wired connection in Kubuntu 23.04 and nothing was connecting.

I right clicked Wired Connection 1 in Connections and clicked Delete, then rebooted, and noticed that my Ethernet port was now completely dead.

I looked up my network devices on lshw and found that my Ethernet Controller no longer has a logical name (literally there isn't even a "logical name" line), and under con ...

Score: 0
LancerDL avatar
mdadm RAID10 device ordering not sequential
ke flag

After a power outage one of the drives in my two RAID10s stopped working and put the arrays into 'degraded' state. The drive had two partitions, one which I think was for a swap raid and the other was for the Ubuntu raid. However, after moving things off the Ubuntu RAID to another disk, I recently discovered somehow one of the partitions of the missing disk got restored and re-added to the array. Thinki ...

Score: 1
fuz avatar
The apps that i downloaded have broken and weird square titlebars
hu flag

I downloaded krita (flatpak) and its titlebar was square and when i maximized it i couldnt move certain parts of the titlebar this also happend in vlc (snap). help

Score: 0
zoltar avatar
Commerce variables
ru flag

I wanted to share my thoughts about the current state of the module for Drupal 10, which appears to be quite robust. I do have a few inquiries related to theming.

It would be greatly appreciated if there could be an expansion of the documentation pertaining to theming variables. Specifically, I'm seeking more detailed information about customizing layouts for product displays, variable displays,  ...

Score: 0
gatorback avatar
What is the terminlogy for moving ("snapping") windows?
in flag

Lubuntu use to have "snap" functionality built-in per

I would like to be able to "snap" (move) lubuntu 22.04 windows to either the left or right half of the monitor as described by the MacOS application Rectangle:

enter image description here

Windows 11 also has similar "snapping" functionality.

What is the name for this capability in LINUX world?

Does lubuntu 22 ...

Score: 0
Phitar avatar
Ubuntu Studio LTS 22.04 - How to get MOTU Midi USB interfaces to work?
cy flag

Specifically looking for how to get my MOTU Midi Express, Midi Express 128 and Micro Lite USB midi interfaces to work.

Score: 0
user3915932 avatar
Prometheus Server not showing Cadvisor metrics for apiserver node
us flag

I have deployed a prometheus helm chart on my Microk8s and all is working fine. The only problem I am having is that it does not seem to be polling metrics for the leader node with the apiserver on it. My scrape config is below and largely based on the example Grafana give in their documentation, so not 100% sure what I am doing here. If I go then go to Prometheus and run a query such as cadvisor_versi ...

Score: 0
user7113370 avatar
Generating Complex Passwords from (Non-)Memorable Phrases - Need Advice
mg flag

I've been thinking about creating strong and unique passwords for my online accounts, but I also want them to be memorable. I've come across the idea of using a memorable passphrase as the basis for a complex password generation. Specifically, I'm considering hashing the passphrase to generate the complex password, such as hash function like SHA-256 or bcrypt to convert the passphrase into a fixed-lengt ...

Score: 0
Cornelius Qualley avatar
Update touchscreen config in Ubuntu 22 under Wayland
eg flag

I've spent a considerable amount time attempting to invert my XY axis on a touchscreen monitor on Ubuntu 22.04 under Wayland to no avail. Adding configuration details in "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/" does not have any effect. Adding a config file in "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/" seems to be ignored. And updating the "xinput set-prop" "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" does not seem to have any effect either.  ...

Score: 0
scaryhamid avatar
upload from server to local (without downloading)
bq flag

so how can I utilize the server's high-speed connection to directly upload files to my local system without the need to download the files, given that my local internet speed is significantly slower than the server's?

Score: 1
scr4tchy avatar's "end-to-end" encryption & privacy
bo flag claims

End-to-end encryption means that the data is encrypted from the moment it leaves your device, and can only be decrypted using your encryption key once it's back on one of your devices.

We can't read your data. Neither can any potential eavesdroppers, such as your internet service provider.

In the rare case of a complete server breach, your data remains encrypted—no one can de ...

Score: 1
andrzej avatar
iwlwifi ubuntu drivers upgrade
se flag

I'm trying to use the Intel AX211 on Ubuntu 20.04 with the latest drivers. However, when I copy the latest drivers for this chip to /lib/firmware, I consistently receive the following message:

[  144.790109] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: base HW address: b0:dc:ef:a3:c0:9b <br>
[  144.811610] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3 wlo1: renamed from wlan0
[  555.354495] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Direct firmware load for iw ...
Score: 0
TheyCallMeTiny avatar
can't embed Rumble videos in oEmbed providers module
bm flag

I've got oEmbed providers installed on two sites and recently wanted to add rumble to the list of providers. I've created a new provider bucket and included rumble but if I try and add a rumble URL or embed URL it gives me an:

"InvalidArgumentException: Unknown provider '' in Drupal\oembed_providers\OEmbed\ProviderRepositoryDecorator->get() (line 217 of modules/contrib/oembed_provide ...

Score: 0
plopper avatar
Need to see boot/system log from before actual session because of system shutdown after 30 minutes, only actual session log can be viewed
td flag

Laptop is an Acer Aspire V3-772 with 8GB and Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, Gnome 42.9 & Wayland on UEFI. The memtest could only pass once (without errors) because the laptop always crashes after close to 30 minutes. I am not sure of the integrity of the memory this way.

Because of a probable hardware problem in my friends laptop (always shutting off after half an hour), I wanted to take a look at the l ...

Score: 0
gatorback avatar
Grsync does not finish transfer (stuck)
in flag

A directory with files is to be moved to a NAS. For some reason it becomes stuck in the sense that the upper progress bar indicates 100%, though global progress remains at 90%:

enter image description here

I removed .lnk files in the payload. That helped somewhat, but now it is stuck elsewhere. I think that grsync was endlessly traversing the directory in the sym-link?

Is there another file type similar to .lnk that is c ...

Score: 0
Rogier van Vlissingen avatar
LibreOffice Display problem
kg flag

Suddenly, when I open a new spreadsheet in LO, I only get the icon in the margin, showing a spreadsheet is open, but it will not display.

This suddenly started happening. I can click on the icon, but the document does not display. It does not seem to affect writer, but sofar it affects spreadsheets, but seemingly not Impress.

It feels as if this is some setting in Ubuntu. Still don't know what's cau ...

Score: 0
kibar avatar
unable to upgrade kernel - 'dpkg: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured' and '(dkms apport): kernel package linux-*** is not supported'
id flag

Currently, my kernel version is: 6.4.10-060410-generic and I'm using Ubuntu 23.04. When I was trying to upgrade my kernel suddenly I got an error. I get this error not only for version 6.5.1 but also when I want to upgrade to any version.

Also, while I was able to update with mainline without any errors before, I started getting such errors after I wanted to install version 6.5.0 and I cannot upd ...

Score: -2
Rickson Costa avatar
Permission denied when using sudo
kz flag
sudo echo “export CATALINA_HOME” /usr/local/tomcat10-server >> /root/.bashrc

Im using this code in the terminal as instructions from my software engineering teacher and I keep getting the error permission denied even when using sudo. Can someone please help and figure out what's wrong. Im using RHEL on a virtual machine.

Score: 0
UBUNTU 22 + NVIDIA second monitor brightness issue
mx flag

I have a second monitor connected to the laptop and EVERY TIME I start the computer I am forced to set the screen brightness as the setting is always set back to the default Brightness 0, Constrat 0, Gamma 1

When I installed Ubuntu 22 I had this problem, but before the last update, when I opened NVIDIA Settings it automatically loaded the settings saved in .nvidia-settings-rc, but after a system  ...

Score: 0
hujakuja avatar
How do i change these panel settings in Kubuntu (see attached image). Is it possible?
cg flag

KDE Panel

So i want to

  1. Change the icon size of the window tab icon.
  2. Change the width of the window tab.
  3. Disable panel-pinning completely.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.